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Welcome to Nursery.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Nursery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Nursery

2 At Didsbury Road Primary School, we are
As individuals or part of a team, we are achievers who have a positive outlook on life. We have self belief and know that we can achieve whatever we want to. At Didsbury Road Primary School, we are happy, caring, confident learners We accept advice and receive support positively. We know how to have fun and celebrate! We enjoy overcoming new challenges. We are kind and caring and positive towards others. preparing for our future. We show appreciation, give compliments, respect each other and feel valued. We value and support the efforts of everyone, and celebrate those who promote our rich and varied curriculum.

3 Tonight… Reminders! General information A day in Nursery
Teaching and learning in Nursery School Dinners School Spider app Topics throughout the year!

4 Reminders! A pair of wellies to keep in Nursery all year
Suitable clothing Coat every day Other wear depending on the weather; e.g warm hat, sun hat… Please label everything! Please arrive on time, at the start and end of the sessions… Spare clothing?... Boys clothing

5 General Information Book bags –stays at home
‘Kind and Caring’ awards (Simone and Simon Sloth) ‘At Home’ book Library day is : Caterpillar – Tuesday Butterfly - Wednesday – please make sure your child brings their book bag with their library book in it on their library day.

6 A day in Nursery Let’s see what we get up to!

7 How the children learn during their year in Nursery
Children learn best through play and being ‘playful’ in their learning By structuring the environment, giving children time to play and observing what they learn, we can ensure they are being challenged and have lots of opportunities to apply their skills and reach their full potential

8 Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Characteristics of Effective Learning Playing and exploring Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to ‘have a go’ Active learning Being involved and concentrating Keep trying Enjoying and achieving what they set out to do Creating and thinking critically Having their own ideas Making links Choosing ways to do things

9 Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Nursery Handbook This gives an outline of what usually happens through out the year Things often change slightly due to the differences in cohorts We will keep you informed of any major changes that arise

10 Topics throughout the year
Autumn Term Starting School, Monster Mayhem, All about Autumn Spring Term All about Winter, Planets in the Solar system, Traditional Tales Summer Term Growing, Farm animals, Life cycle of a butterfly and chick, Holidays, Beach

11 Teaching and Learning indoors and outdoors Continuous provision areas
Focused activities Whole class teaching Half class teaching Small group teaching Sports Forest schools Music room, library, baking room indoors and outdoors 11

12 Continuous Provision Topic related resources are added to these areas to extend and enrich the environment The children access these areas independently in their play; they can have their own focus for play or be directed by an adult. An adult may be playing in that area to model how to play, teaching new vocabulary and skills. 12

13 Outdoor Play Playing outside gives children opportunities to play, learn new skills, practise and improve but on a much larger scale Some children prefer to be outside - learning is the same outside as they are inside All the children play out each day We are lucky at Didsbury Road to have such a fantastic outdoor play area! 13

14 Focused Activities These are planned activities - groups/individuals led by an adult. Activities such as role-play, maths game, drawing, painting, planting seeds, writing, patterns etc… All focused activities have a ‘Learning Objective’ something we want the children to learn. All done in ‘playful’ way and are lots of fun! These activities provide assessment opportunities – we can see what your child can do and what they need to learn next. 14

15 Whole class, half class, and small group teaching
Literacy (phonics, story telling, speaking and listening games…) Maths (counting, numbers, shape hunts…) Personal, Social and Emotional development (games, songs, circle time, British Values…) Topic related activities (painting, making, cooking…) 15

16 Observations and Assessment
Working with parents It is very important that we work in partnership with you. You know your child best and we always value your contributions. You can contribute by: Share with us if something special happens and share it Writing in the ‘At Home’ book Your comments to reports we provide Play day sessions – first one in November!

17 How children learn… Remember we are talking about very young children.
Develop at different rates in different areas… some are more interested/confident in some areas Some achieve highly at first then slow down, others start off slowly and march quickly forward at a later date. What is important is that your child is happy and confident to learn, and that they are challenged from their individual starting points, that they make excellent progress and gain a desire to learn more!

18 Children thrive on praise…
Spotty Dotty Special Helper Star of the Day Kind and Caring Award ‘My Monster’ points …as well as lots of smiles… high fives… verbal praise… stickers… special treats… ongoing throughout the day!

19 School Dinners Children are doing really well with their school dinners. So proud of them! Big Step Any concerns, we will come and see you!

20 Role play – speaking and listening skills

21 Role play – imaginative play

22 Control and co-ordination

23 Sorting and matching

24 Learning how to use Technology

25 Thinking about space and matching

26 talking to one another and forming friendships
Role playing – talking to one another and forming friendships

27 Sorting and pattern making

28 Fine motor skills - writing

29 Fine motor skills

30 Matching and ordering

31 Being creative, control and coordination

32 Pattern making and sorting

33 Being creative and imaginative

34 Pattern making through Art

35 ‘3 a day’

36 Being inquisitive and creative

37 Physical development

38 Being imaginative

39 Exploring and learning

40 Thinking and creating

41 Balancing and being Creative

42 School Website
Coming soon for Nursery parents – Download School Spider app.

43 Note from the Headteacher…
Your opinions matter! “Our staff team are committed to providing the best possible provision for your child/dren. If you are not entirely satisfied with this, please talk to your child's class teacher in the first instance. If we have done something well, we'd love to know! Please remember that school staff are humans too. All we ask is for this to be respected both in our face to face conversations and on social media.”

44 Wow… all that information!
PLEASE ask if you don’t understand something or need help! 44

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