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1234Delin Institute of Technology Suggestions and Conclusions

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1 1234Delin Institute of Technology Suggestions and Conclusions
TISSS 2015 The International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences Travel motivation, destination image and tourist satisfaction: A case of two cultural and creative parks Wen-Jung Chang1;Ya-Wen Cheng2; Yi-Tsun Chiu3; Li-Ying Chu4 1234Delin Institute of Technology Abstract   Accompanied with popularization of leisure, the will for people to engage in any leisure activity at home and abroad has gradually increased. Besides, the relationship between consumer and destination has extended the research scope of marketing once again while the concept of destination marketing and management has been attracted much attention of scholars of tourism and leisure. People who engaged in any decision making behavior on leisure activities, just like products/services, will be subject to both prior-purchase factors and post-purchase factors more or less. During these years, everyone loves hipster, so the choice what consumers have made in leisure activities has moved forward to cultural and creative parks. Moreover, previous research rarely focused on them. Therefore, this study taking an example of Songshan and Hwashan cultural and creative parks aims to explore the relationships among tourist’s travel motivation (TM), destination image (DI) and tourist satisfaction (TS). A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to tourists who have been to Songshan and Hwashan cultural and creative parks and 191 valid responses were returned. Empirical findings show that that TM and DI both influence TS directly and positively while DI also directly impact TS, meaning DI plays as a partial mediator in TM-TS relationship. Keywords:Travel Motivation; Destination Image; Tourist Satisfaction; Cultural and Creative Industry Result analysis Introduction “Brand is to mankind what product is to consumers”. Since the concept of “destination marketing and management” has gradually attracted much attention from researchers of tourism and leisure, the relationship between consumer and destination (or product/brand) has once again extended the scope of marketing research. In short, people who engaged in any decision making behavior on leisure activities will be subject to both prior-purchase factors (e.g., prior experiences, information resource, credibility, motivation, perception, attitude & destination image) and post-purchase factors (e.g., experiential value, satisfaction & loyalty) more or less. Moreover, it is commonly accepted notion that images affect travel choice. Motivation is the processes that leads people to behave as they do, and the processes begin when a need arises that a consumer wishes to satisfy, whereas a need refers to a state felt deprivation (Leiper, 2004; Solomon, 2004). So far, the research targets on destination image (DI) have covered many counties who are abundant in tourism resources and spots around the world. However, these researches mostly have cared about the perspectives of foreign tourists on DI rather than that of local tourists. On the other hand, the past studies related to tourism and leisure have mostly focused on theme parks, villa/resorts and B&B and the research topics have majorly concerned with service quality, satisfaction and revisit intention, not considering the relationships among travel motivation (TM), DI and tourist satisfaction (TS) too much. Research methodology Figure 1 Research framework A total of 250 questionnaires were sent to survey and 191 valid samples were returned. Considering the mean of constructs, we find that DI (3.78) is greater than other constructs and TS is the smallest one (3.51). It seems that tourists can easily catch the DI of cultural and creative parks, but cannot completely satisfy themselves here. As to dimensions of DI, the atmosphere is the smallest than others. It reminds executers that the atmosphere of these two cultural and creative parks still has rooms to improve. After CFA stage, the reliability (Crobach’α) of these three constructs (i.e., TM, DI and TS) is greater than 0.7. The result of correlation analysis indicated that the correlations among TM, DI and TS are all significant. Figure 2 Structural model Suggestions and Conclusions There are three research suggestions for the future works: Different area: In contrast to the north area of Taiwan, other cultural and creative parks around this island may own their unique style. For example, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung and A-Zone Hualien Cultural Creative Industry Park. Therefore, a further study on the comparisons of TS between two different cities is necessary. Source of tourist: The future work may focus on foreign tourists (or Mainland China) to find the distinct differences between different areas. Other variables: Different from the “motivation-image-satisfaction” relationship used in this study, other behavioral variables (e.g., tourist loyalty and revisit intension) or antecedent variables (e.g., involvement) can be taken into account is expected. The main contribution of this study is to introduce the concept of destination marketing into local tourists. Next, we make attempts to use another research model (i.e., TM-DI-TS relationship) instead of the traditional framework (e.g., DI-satisfaction/loyalty-revisit intention relationship). The final is to choose the cultural and creative park to explore the tourist’s behavior. This study aims to explore the relationships among TM, DI and TS. A total of 250 questionnaires were sent to survey and 191 valid samples were returned. Empirical findings show that that TM and DI both influence TS directly and positively while DI directly impact TS, meaning DI plays as a partial mediator in TM-TS relationship.

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