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Happy Friday Please take out the following materials:

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Friday Please take out the following materials:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Friday Please take out the following materials:
1.) Your completed 5 Themes project with purple project sheet (If you have it.) 2.) A blank sheet of lined notebook paper and something to write with.

2 Journal Entry #1: Tools of Geography, 02/03
Imagine you are a cartographer (someone who makes maps) who has been dropped off on an as-of-yet-uncharted island. Perhaps Gilligan’s Island. It is your job to create a map of this island. In other words, you need to represent the actual island on paper as accurately as possible. In your journal, discuss how you would go about the task. Consider the following questions: What kind of tools would you use? (Do not say “pen and paper.” Think deeper!) How would you use them? What kinds of things would you need to represent on the map and why? Is there anything you would not include on the map? Why? What difficulties might you run into and how would you address them?

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