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The Peters Projection Map

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Presentation on theme: "The Peters Projection Map"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Peters Projection Map
By Kristian Sison

2 The Truth The truth is that the Mercator’s Map is Wrong and the Peters’ Map is right. The next couple of slides has some of the evidence...

3 Evidence of Africa and Greenland
Africa looks about the same size as Greenland but actually Africa is 14 times larger than Greenland! Other information

4 Evidence of South America and Europe
Europe looks considerably larger than South America but South America is really double the size of Europe.

5 Evidence of Alaska and Mexico
On the Mercator's Map Alaska appears 3 times larger than Mexico but in reality Mexico is larger by point million square miles.

6 Evidence of Germany Germany appears in the middle of the map but it is in the Northern part of the Earth.

7 Keep in mind that the map was made in the 1569’s by a
German Cartographer named Gerardus Marcator without checking the map.

8 The Peters’ Map The Peters’ Map countries look more longer.

9 The Mercator’s Map

10 A very big thank you to all of the people who have viewed one of my
Thank you very much A very big thank you to all of the people who have viewed one of my E~Tasc project. By Kristian Sison.

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