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Cairo Refugee Remittances Study Karen Jacobsen Methodological Workshop on Measuring Impacts of Refugees and IDPs on Host Countries and Host Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Cairo Refugee Remittances Study Karen Jacobsen Methodological Workshop on Measuring Impacts of Refugees and IDPs on Host Countries and Host Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cairo Refugee Remittances Study Karen Jacobsen Methodological Workshop on Measuring Impacts of Refugees and IDPs on Host Countries and Host Communities November 20-21, 2015, World Bank

2 Remittances to Conflict Zones: the Sudanese Diaspora in Cairo (AUC and Tufts, (June March 2011) In refugee transit countries, how do transnational linkages affect the financial and social capital of refugees and their livelihood strategies? What channels and mechanisms are used to transmit remittances? What are the difference between the experiences of receivers and non-receivers?

3 Research design Mapping of Sudanese in Cairo to determine survey areas – key informant interviews mapping tools (online software and satellite imagery) Household survey Qualitative methods (FGDs and Kis) To map the distribution of Sudanese refugees and migrants in Cairo, and determine the main areas where they lived. 2. To understand the extent of transnational linkages and remittance patterns of Sudanese in Cairo with both the diaspora in other countries, and with ‘home’ communities in Sudan. 3. To explore and understand how transnational linkages and remittances support the livelihoods of Sudanese in Cairo. 4. To understand the obstacles to remittance sending and receiving and how these obstacles could be addressed by policy or programmatic interventions.

4 Map of Sudanese Distribution in Cairo
14 districts known as having a high proportion of Sudanese were identified Local Sudanese contacts in each districts were trained to recruit participants from a wide range of social networks to avoid the negative effects of snowballing. The sample does not represent all Sudanese in Cairo but it has equal representation of men and women and equal representation of Sudanese of different origins. 4

5 Sampling methodology Mapping yielded 20 relevant districts and 42 sub-districts field visits to verify mapping information and identify residences of Sudanese.

6 Survey results Sample size: 565
Identified 788, invited to campus 755 572 turned up Sample was representative of Sudanese population in Cairo, in terms of Distribution around Cairo Demographics (age, sex, ethnicity, education), Migration experience (region of origin, route, length of time in Cairo), and legal (immigration) status

7 Sampling challenges Who are Sudanese refugees?
Bias toward areas of high Sudanese concentration Political problems – CAPMAS denial of permission + revolution Alternative strategy  on-campus interviews Who are refugees? Long term Sudanese are well integrated and do not perceive themselves as refugees although many of them are not well-off; new arrivals after the conflict in Sudan who not necessarily have formal refugee status but they identify themselves as refugees.

8 Qualitative methods in-depth interviews (24) and focus group discussions (7) in areas not fully covered by the survey interviews with financial institutions (Wes Union, banks) where Sudanese conducted money transfers:

9 Study challenges and enablers
Political obstacles (CAPMAS, Revolution in middle of data collection  delays) Sudanese survey fatigue Enabling factors: Local team with deep knowledge of Cairo Good networks and links to authroities (through AUC

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