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CAA Action Items Investigations PEACE Progress Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "CAA Action Items Investigations PEACE Progress Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAA Action Items Investigations PEACE Progress Meeting
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics Mullard Space Science Laboratory CAA Action Items Investigations B. Mihaljčić , A. Fazakerley, N. Doss, G. Watson Quick Intro here PEACE Progress Meeting UCL, MSSL, UK, February 2014

2 Talk Outline Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Cluster Action Items (listing from Harri) Investigations Performed: Various dataset checks AI ND2 MOMENTS related products: MOMENTS, OMS[H/L], PP AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 BM2 PAD related products: PITCH_SPIN, PITCH_FULL, PAD[M/H/L]AR[H/L] AI ND2 3DR related products: 3DR[H/L], PITCH_3DR[H/L] AI BM2 Can PEACE MODE dataset be created? AI GW1 Conclusions Future Work ND2=Natasha Doss BM2=Branislav Mihaljčić GW1=Gill Watson

3 1. Cluster Action Items Mullard Space Science Laboratory NOTE’s:
AI-01and AI-09 are CAA responsibility AI-10 –closed at last OR-8 The above action items are not covered in this presentation. ND2 BM2 BM2 ND2 BM2 BM2 GW1

4 2.A: Various dataset checks: AI-02 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.A: Various dataset checks: AI-02 investigated by ND2 Please see the CAA status report PPT by Natasha Doss.

5 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 For the purpose of investigating MOMENTS, OMSH, OMSL, PP data availability we grouped these into MOMENTS related products. The SUMMARY table below shows the monthly periods that were investigated black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed CL-1 Month’ Year From AI Number No. of problems intervals Reason for (MOM, OMS, PP) problems that could not be fixed MOMENTS OMSH/L PP Jun’04 3 4 - 13: 2, 6, 5 0: 0, 0, 0 1: 0, 1, 0 No EFW, PEACE=OFF, ANOMALIES Jul’04 5: 2, 3, 0 4: 0, 4, 0 No Problems, we have all data, so just regenerated Dec’04 14: 4, 6, 4 4: 0, 0, 4 PEACE=OFF, no FGM Feb’05 10: 4, 3, 3 2: 0, 1, 1 4: 0, 2, 2 PEACE=OFF, ANOMALIES, no PEACE data Nov’05 10: 3, 6, 1 No EFW Dec’05 15: 6, 4, 5 1: 0, 0, 1 No EFW, ANOMALIES Mar’06 15: 2, 5, 8 7: 0, 0, 7 ANOMALIES Apr’06 12: 3, 9, 0 Jul’06 14: 6, 2, 6 6: 5, 0, 1 6: 0, 0, 6 No PEACE data, ANOMALIES, no EFW data Aug’06 13: 6, 4, 3 Apr’07 10: 2, 4, 4 May’07 8: 2, 2, 4 No EFW, No FGM, ANOMALIES Jul’07 13: 3, 4, 6 2: 0, 0, 2 Nov’07 20: 4, 4, 12 Feb’08 8: 4, 2, 2 PEACE=OFF, ANOMALIES Mar’09 7 21: 0, 9, 12 20: 0, 9, 11 9: 0, 0, 9 202: 53, 74, 75 50: 5,11, 34 45: 0, 7, 38

6 MOMENTS Related Products

7 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 03:40-05:15 (have all data) => 00:00-01:00 (have all data) => 18:30-19:10 (have all data) => 00:00-00:50 (have all data) => 00:00-21:00 (PEA=OFF) 21:00-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-15:10 (no EFW data) 17:00-17:40 (no EFW data) 18:30-19:00 (have EFW, FGM, AUX) => 09:55-11:10 (ANOMALY) => 13:55-14:10 (have all data) => 04:35-23:59 (have all data) => 00:00-07:30 (have all data) None => 00:00-18:30 (have all data)

8 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 07:10-08:50 (have all data) => 00:00-22:10 (have all data) => 02:50-03:15 (have all data) => 00:00-07:50 (have all data) => 00:50-04:00 (have all data) None => 00:00-18:30 (have all data) => 00:00-18:30 (have all data) => 18:00-23:59 (have all data) => 13:55-23:59 (have all data)

9 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH/L problem dates PP problem dates => 00:00-01:20 (have all data) => 00:00-01:10 (have all data) => 00:00-09:20 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) => 18:30-19:00 (have all data) => 03:10-04:20 (have all data) => 00:00-00:30 (have all data) => 02:50-07:40 (have all data) => 00:00-00:55 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) => 00:00-08:00 (PEA=OFF) => 18:30-19:00 (have all data) => 00:00-01:00 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) => 00:00-23:59 (no FGM,PEA=OFF) => 00:00-23:59 (no FGM,PEA=OFF) => 00:00-23:59 (no FGM,PEA=OFF)

10 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 02:10-03:00 (have all data) => 18:50-19:50 (have all data) => 00:00-00:40 (have all data) => 18:30-18:55 (have all data) => 09:10-19:00 (ANOMALY) => 17:00-17:20 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) => 00:00-02:20 (have all data) => 19:25-20:10 (have all data) => 14:00-20:30 (no PEACE data) => 00:00-23:59 (Regenerated) => 00:00-04:10 (have all data) 07:00-09:10 (have all data) 09:10-19:00 (ANOMALY)

11 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 13:10-23:59 (have all data) => 00:00-06:55 (have all data) => 03:00-03:30 (have all data) => 00:00-02:20 (have all data) => 00:00-01:55 (have all data) => 11:40-12:05 (have all data) => 00:00-13:10 (have all data) => 00:00-09:00 (have all data) => 12:40-20:00 (have all data) => 22:00-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-23:59(Regenerated) None

12 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 00:00-06:55 (no EFW data) 08:30-16:10 (no EFW data) => 00:00-07:10 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-18:00 (no EFW 0-18h) 18:00-23:59 (have all data) => 00:00-08:30 (have all data) => 00:00-00:40 (have all data) 18:00-19:00 (have all data) => 18:40-23:59 (have all data) => 00:00-05:55 (have all data) 14:50-18:15 (have all data) => 00:00-03:20 (have all data) => 05:40-23:59 (have all data) => 03:20-07:30 (have all data)

13 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 03:30-05:15 (have all data) 08:40-09:00 (have all data) 11:50-12:40 (ANOMALY) 19:55-21:40 (have all data) => 12:30-14:00 (have all data) => 11:35-11:50 (have all data) => 02:10-03:10 (have all data) => 11:00-15:00 (have all data) => 16:30-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-14:59 (ANOMALY)

14 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 16:00-18:00 (have all data) 21:00-21:20 (have all data) => 08:20-10:10 (have all data) => 01:00-03:20 (have all data) => 12:10-19:00 (have all data) 20:40-23:40 (have all data) => 00:00-00:20 (have all data) => 00:00-00:50 (have all data) => 22:40-23:20 (have all data) => 00:00-04:00 (have all data) => 04:15-04:55 (have all data) => 03:40-05:10 (have all data) None

15 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 00:00-06:00 (have all data) 12:40-23:59 (have all data) => 00:00-09:50 (no PEA data) => 18:50-19:00 (no PEA data) 20:30-23:59 (no PEA data) => 18:00-23:59 (have all data) => 05:40-19:00 (ANOMALY) 19:00-22:10 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (have all data) => 00:00-15:20 (have all data) 23:30-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 13:55-16:50 (have all data) => 00:00-06:30 (have all data) 06:30-23:59 (no EFW data) => 12:40-23:59 (Regenerated) => 00:00-09:50 (Regenerated) => 18:50-19:00 (Regenerated) 20:30-23:59 (Regenerated) => 00:00-18:00 (Regenerated) => 12:40-23:59 (no PEACE data) => 00:00-09:50 (no PEACE data) => 18:50-19:00 (no PEACE data) 20:30-23:59 (no PEACE data) => 00:00-18:00 (no PEACE data)

16 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 00:00-02:50 (no EFW data) => 19:00-20:05 (have all data) => 10:00-15:10 (have all data) 22:00-22:15 (have all data) => 00:00-02:00 (have all data) => 00:00-01:20 (have all data) => 01:30-01:50 (have all data) => 04:55-05:05 (have all data) 07:35-09:15 (have all data) => 00:00-01:30 (no EFW data) 15:15-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-18:00 (have all data) => 00:00-08:15 (have all data) None

17 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 22:30-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-12:00 (no EFW data) => 22:00-23:10 (have all data) => 00:00-01:15 (have all data) => 18:00-19:00 (have all data) => 00:00-01:05 (have all data) 15:20-16:00 (have all data) => 00:00-07:20 (no EFW data) => 04:00-08:10 (have all data) None

18 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 00:00-15:00 (no EFW data) 16:30-17:55 (no EFW data) => 00:00-00:50 (have all data) => 12:30-18:00 (have all data) => 20:55-21:10 (have all data) => 00:00-00:50 (have all data) => 00:00-00:15 (no EFW, FGM data) 12:10-12:55 (ANOMALY) => 12:10-12:55 (ANOMALY)

19 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 00:00-04:10 (have all data) => 02:00-02:10 (no EFW, FGM) => 11:10-11:20 (no EFW, FGM) => 08:10-08:40 (ANOMALY) 15:40-15:50 (no EFW, FGM) => 01:15-02:20 (have all data) => 00:00-04:15 (have all data) 12:40-13:50 (have all data) 19:30-20:10 (have all data) => 00:00-04:15 (have all data) 20:50-20:55 (no EFW, FGM) => 02:15-02:20 (no EFW, FGM) 18:00-19:00 (have all data)

20 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 12:10-21:40 (no EFW, FGM) 21:40-22:50 (have all data) => 00:00-00:40 (have all data) 09:30-09:45 (have all data) => 18:30-19:20 (have all data) => 08:50-18:40 (have all data) => 05:15-07:25 (ANOMALY) => 16:15-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-00:20 (no EFW data) 13:15-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-23:59 (no EFW, 0-24h) => 00:00-23:59 (no EFW, FGM) => 00:00-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-23:59 (no EFW data) => 00:00-23:00 (no EFW, only 23-24h) => 04:00-14:10 (no EFW, FGM) => 00:00-00:30 (have all data) 13:40-23:59 (no EFW, FGM) => 00:00-01:40 (have all data) => 00:00-00:30 (have all data) => 14:10-21:40 (no EFW, FGM data) => 09:30-19:30 (no EFW, FGM data) 21:20-21:50 (no EFW, FGM data) => 13:40-23:59 (no EFW, FGM data) => 12:10-21:40 (no EFW, FGM data)

21 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 black=regenerated, but no change, red=no regeneration possible, blue=interval fixed MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 00:00-21:00 (have all data) => 20:00-22:00 (have all data) => 09:00-09:50 (have all data) => 15:50-17:05 (ANOMALY) => 20:00-23:59 (have all data) => 21:10-22:35 (have all data) => 07:30-08:20 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF)

22 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: MOMENTS related products: AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 investigated by BM2 MOMENTS problem dates OMSH, OMSL problem dates PP problem dates => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) => 16:45-17:50 (no PEA data) 22:10-22:55 (no PEA data) => 00:00-01:00 (have all data) => 09:15-11:30 (have all data) 13:40-19:20 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) => 12:20-14:30 (have all data) 16:55-22:20 (have all data) => 00:00-02:00 (no EFW) 21:30-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 02:00-05:20 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) 13:30-21:50 (no PEA data) => 02:00-06:55 (ANOMALY) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) => 00:00-01:00 (have all data) 18:20-19:00 (have all data) => 04:15-10:00 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (PEA=OFF) => 06:15-07:00 (have all data) => 00:00-23:59 (Regenerated) => 03:10-05:30 (Regenerated) 07:50-13:20 (Regenerated) 19:00-23:59 (Regenerated) => 00:00-00:55 (Regenerated) 01:20-03:50 (Regenerated) => 12:20-14:30 (Regenerated) 16:55-22:20 (Regenerated) => 06:00-10:00 (Regenerated) 10:10-12:40 (Regenerated) => 00:00-02:00 (Regenerated) 13:30-21:50 (No PEA data) => 21:30-23:59 (ANOMALY) 13:30-21:50 (No PEACE data)

23 PAD Related Products

24 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2

25 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments => 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 07:00–12:40 PADMARH missing 12:40–18:10 19:53-23:59 => 00:00-23: PADHARH missing 07:00–12:40 => 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 23:35–23:59 Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

26 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2

27 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2 PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 None Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

28 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2

29 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2 PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments => 18:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 None Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

30 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2

31 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2 PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 03:50–09:50, 19:35-23:59 PADMARH missing 09:50–14:42, 16:27–19:35 => 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 00:00–09:41 => 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 04:00–18:01 PADMARH missing 01:34–04:00 => 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 22:30-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

32 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2

33 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2 PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments None => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-20:00 => 01:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

34 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2

35 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2 PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH => 00:00-23:59 Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

36 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2

37 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2 PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments => 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH from 19:58 => 00:00-23:59 (PAD_PATCH) PADMARL missing 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH until 02:31 => 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH from 04:50 => 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH until 11:06 => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 14:05-23:59 PAD_PATCH from 14:05 => 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 19:46-23:59 PAD_PATCH until 19:41 => 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 00:00–04:50, 18:00–22:11 PADMARH missing 04:50–18:00 The list continues on NEXT slide) => 19:58-23:59 => 04:50-23:59 Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

38 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2 PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 00:00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 00:55-04:11 10:05-21:18 PADHARH missing 10:05-13:50 PADHARH missing 13:50-21:18 => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 17:20-20:10 => 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH :30-17:37 20:20-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH :00-05:31 => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 13:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH :00-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH :00-13:46 => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 22:25-23:59 PAD_PATCH :25-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 PAD_PATCH :00-22:01 Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

39 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2

40 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.C: PAD related products: AI-05 investigated by ND2 PITCH_SPIN problem dates PITCH_FULL problem dates Comments => 18:30-22:21 PADMARL missing 18:30-22:21 PADHARH missing 18:30-19:46 PAD_PATCH :55-23:59 => 00:00-23:59 PADMARL missing 00:00-23:59 PADHARH missing 00:00-02:05 13:25-17:21 PADMARH missing 02:05-03:55 12:00-13:25 PAD_PATCH :30-23:59 => 00:00-05:11 17:23-19:01 PADMARL missing 00:00-05:11 PADHARH missing 00:00-02:31 PADLARL missing 17:23-09:01 PAD_PATCH :36-17:23 => 14:51-16:29 PADLARL missing 14:51-16:29 Checked that PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL have same coverage as the PAD datasets. - HEEA sensor is indeed off when we only have PAD data from the LEEA sensor. - Checked for PAD_PATCH usage as the PITCH_SPIN/FULL codes have problems with PADAL - Checked for HAR/LAR mode as PITCH_FULL code does not work for this combination The list does not include the BM gaps where we occasionally ran in HAR/LAR mode so there is no PITCH_FULL as expected as the code does not work.

41 3DR Related Products

42 2.D: 3DR related Products: AI-06 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.D: 3DR related Products: AI-06 investigated by BM2 PITCH_3DRH problem dates PITCH_3DRL problem dates Comments => 12:00-14:00 => 10:10-12:40 => 00:00-02:10, 21:00-23:00 => 19:20-21:20 => 06:00-08:10 => 04:50-06:55, 16:00-21:00 => 14:20-16:40 => 13:50-15:50 => 23:30-23:59 => 00:00-01:40, 22:30-23:59 => 00:00-01:50 => 08:50-10:55 => 07:40-09:40 => 17:50-19:55 => 16:20-18:30 => 02:55-05:05 => 01:30-03:30 => 11:55-14:05 => 10:20-12:30 => 21:00-23:00 => 19:10-21:30 => 06:00-08:10 => 04:10-06:30 => 15:10-17:20 => 13:10-15:30 => 12:00-14:00 (we have data) => 10:10-12:40 (we have data) The Missing PITCH_3DRH intervals are due to 3DRH missing for the same intervals.

43 2.D: 3DR related Products: AI-06 investigated by BM2
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.D: 3DR related Products: AI-06 investigated by BM2 PITCH_3DRH problem dates PITCH_3DRL problem dates Comments => 00:30-02:30, 22:10-23:59 => 00:00-01:00 => 09:20-11:30 => 07:05-09:30 => 18:30-20:30 => 16:10-18:30 => 03:30-05:30 => 00:00-00:50, 01:10-03:40 => 12:30-14:30 => 10:10-12:40 => 00:00-02:00, 21:30-23:59 (ANOMALY) => 02:00-05:30 (ANOMALY), 12:30-21:40 => 06:40-08:40 => 02:00-07:00 (ANOMALY) => 15:30-17:30 => 13:30-16:00 => 00:30-02:30, 22:30-23:59 => 00:00-01:00 => 09:40-11:40 => 07:40-10:00 => 18:30-20:30 => 16:30-19:10 => 03:30-05:30 => 01:40-04:10 => 12:30-14:30 => 10:55-13:30 => 02:00-05:30 (ANOMALY) 12:30-21:40 The Missing PITCH_3DRH intervals are due to 3DRH missing for the same intervals. The Missing PITCH_3DRL intervals are due to 3DRH missing for the same intervals.

44 2.B: Can PEACE MODE be created: AI-08 investigated by GW1
Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2.B: Can PEACE MODE be created: AI-08 investigated by GW1 No progress has been made.

45 3. Conclusions Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Various dataset checks: AI-02, ND2: See CAA status PPT by Natasha. MOMENTS related products: MOMENTS, OMS[H/L], PP, AI-03, AI-04, AI-07 BM2 MOMENTS: Most data is available for the missing intervals so we have regenerated when possible Not submitted files yet, as there is an error in status calibration variables (fixed yesterday). Many other gaps are justified due to missing support data (EFW, FGM, AUX), Anomalies, during times when PEACE was turned OFF or when PEACE data was missing. OMS: Missing files were Regenerated/Validated/Plotted and submitted to the CAA. PP: Missing files were Regenerated/Validated/Plotted and submitted to the CAA. PAD related products: PITCH_SPIN, PITCH_FULL AI ND2 Only lists have been made and no regeneration has taken place yet 3DR related products: 3DR[H/L], PITCH_3DR[H/L] AI ND2 Can PEACE MODE dataset be created? AI GW1 Pending decision from PI

46 4. Future Work Mullard Space Science Laboratory Short Term for CL-1234
Modify/Test peacemoments software to have correct status calibration variables for HEAA and LEAA in CAA MOMENTS (finished) Re-generate/Check/Validate/Deliver CAA MOMENTS ( ) for CL (whole days only) Generate/Check/Validate/Deliver CAA MOMENTS FILL files ( ) for CL when PEACE is turned OFF (finished generating CEF fill files for whole day and partial day periods) Re-generate all other datasets from progress meeting then submit (whole days only) Long Term -ongoing The above activity needs to be repeated for all spacecraft and other products/years However, this is a huge and time consuming task We haven’t decided yet the best trade-off with fixing shorter gaps for each date during the entire mission or just regenerate everything from the beginning.

47 End

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