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John Adams’s Presidency

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1 John Adams’s Presidency
Chapter 6 – Section 4 Pgs CA 8.3.4

2 Objectives: Students will learn that the development of political parties in the U.S. added to differing ideas about the role of gov. So we can understand that political parties continue to have a strong influence on U.S. politics today. We will know we understand it when we can identify the differences between the two political parties of the late 1700s.

3 The Election of 1796 More than one candidate ran for president
Political parties help elect people & shape policies Began during Washington’s presidency The rise of political parties created competition in the election of 1796

4 Federalist Party Quick Facts: Started by Hamilton Strong central gov.
Supported industry (manufacturing) & trade Selected John Adams & Thomas Pickney as candidates for president

5 Democratic-Republican Party
Quick Facts: Started by Jefferson & Madison Members called Republicans (not related to modern-day republicans) Wanted to limit gov. power Jefferson & Aaron Burr chosen as candidates

6 Political Parties & Regions
Business people in cities…mostly Federalist Rural farmers…mostly Democratic-Republican Mostly attacked each other Federalists called Royalists Republicans said to favor French

7 Adams defeats Jefferson
At the time, the candidate who came in 2nd became the vice president John Adams = 2nd President of U.S. Thomas Jefferson = Vice President These 2 men who fought each other, now had to work together

8 A New President Pres. Adams had a difficult job ahead of him
Before presidency… Patriot during the Revolution Foreign diplomat Everyone loved Washington, he had to win over the people

9 The United States & France
After the issues with France, Adams sent U.S. diplomats to Paris to smooth over the conflict and to negotiate a treaty to protect U.S. shipping

10 French foreign minister would not meet with diplomats.
3 French agents met instead and said a treaty could be reached if… The diplomats paid a bride of $250,000 Loan of $12 million given to French gov.

11 Diplomats refused and Adams shared info with Congress in 1798
Federalists in Congress called for war with France This situation became known as the XYZ Affair

12 Preparations for War Adams asked Congress for: Congress approved
Increase navy fleet to 30 ships Keep a peacetime army Congress approved Adams did not want to war ($$$) Never asked Congress to declare war Reopened peace talks

13 Peace Efforts Federalists were upset with Adams’s choice to not go to war American & French ships began fighting in the Caribbean Adams finally reaches peace with a treaty Forces 2 members of his cabinet to resign for trying to block peace efforts

14 Alien & Sedition Acts Federalists & Republicans continue to argue & gossip Federalists control Congress Pass 4 laws known as the Alien & sedition Acts in 1798 Federalists said it was to “protect” the U.S. Sedition Act: forbade anyone from publishing or voicing criticism of the fed. Gov. (freedom of speech???)

15 Jefferson & Madison viewed these acts as misuse of gov. power
Worked at the state level to attack Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions Found that the Alien & Sedition Acts were unconstitutional Showed that states could challenge the fed. gov.

16 Checking for Understanding

17 Democratic-Republican Party
Directions: Use the charts to identify the differences between the two political parties that emerged in the late 1700s. Federalist Party Democratic-Republican Party

18 Democratic-Republican Party
Federalist Party Democratic-Republican Party 1. Strong central gov. 1. Limits federal gov. power 2. Supported industry & trade 2. farmers 3. Supported war w/ France 3. Sympathized w/ France 4. Alien and Sedition Acts 4. Alien & Sedition Acts unconstitutional Kentucky & Virginia Resolution

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