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John Adams’s Presidency

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1 John Adams’s Presidency
The Development o Political Parties in the United States Contributed to differing ideas about the role of the Federal Government

2 Key Terms and Key People
Key Terms Political Parties Federalist party Democratic Republican Party XYZ Affair Alien and Sedition Acts Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Key People John Adams

3 We’re Havin’ A Party The Election of 1796 Became the First Election with Political Parties Alexander Hamilton Formed the Federalist Party which supported industry and Trade and Nominated John Adams and Thomas Pinckney as their Presidential Candidates Thomas Jefferson And James Madison Formed the Democratic-Republican party which wanted to limit the Federal Governments power and nominated Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr as Presidential Candi

4 The Adams Family Political Parties were largely based on where, and how People Lived Federalists tended to live in the cities and were business people Democratic Republicans were often Rural Farmers John Adams Defeated Thomas Jefferson and became President but Thomas Jefferson would become his Vice President

5 An XYZ Affair to remember
John Adams had to Follow a popular president in George Washington and was constantly living in the Shadow of his Legacy John Adams tried to improve the United States Relationship with France and sent diplomats to negotiate a trade treaty The Diplomats were denied the meeting with the Foreign Minister and were asked to Pay a $250,000 Bribe and loan France $12 Million in order to meet which became known as the XYZ Affair Angered at the Bribe the federalists called for war and began to prepare for the fight

6 Peace of Mind Adams Asked congress to expand the US Navy to 30 Ships and asked for a Peacetime Army in preparation for War With France Adams did NOT want war because he knew the costs and attempted to peacefully resolve the conflict As French and American Ships began to fight in the Caribbean Adams sent representation to France to negotiate peace The United States and France would sign the Peace treaty and Avoid war, but Adams forced TWO cabinet members to resign for trying to block the treaty

7 Extra, Extra…you cannot read all about it
In 1798, Federalists passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to “protect” the United States and End opposition to war The Sedition Acts outlawed publishing or voicing criticism of the Government which went against the freedom of speech and press Democratic-Republicans like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison fought these laws at the State Level

8 AN out of this world idea
Jefferson and Madison wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions to fight the Alien and Sedition Acts The resolutions stated that the Alien and Sedition Acts could not be passed because they interfered with state governments The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions supported the Idea that the States could challenge the Federal government and in time the Alien and Sedition Acts were allowed to Expire

9 This has been another World Famous Mr. green PowerPoint Presentation
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