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Which political party had more electoral votes in 1796?

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Presentation on theme: "Which political party had more electoral votes in 1796?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which political party had more electoral votes in 1796?
Pages 6.4 John Adams’s Presidency Main Idea Vocab (3) section section The Election of 1796 (5) The rise of politicall parties created competition in the election of 1796 political parties Federalist party Democratic-Republican Party Look at the picture and answer the question in complete sentences Which political party had more electoral votes in 1796? Reading Check page 213 How did the election of 1796 change the nature of politics in the United States?

2 President Adams and the XYZ Affair
Pages 6.4 President Adams and the XYZ Affair Main Idea Vocab section section A New President (1) The United States and France (4) Preparations for War (2) Peace Efforts (2) The XYZ affair caused problems for President John Adams XYZ Affair Look at the Picture How does the cartoon show that America is being preyed upon by the French? Reading Check page 214 What did Americans mean when they said “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute”?

3 The Alien and Sedition Acts
Page 215 The Alien and Sedition Acts Main Idea Vocab (2) section section The Alien and Sedition Acts Write a short statement summarizing each paragraph (4) Controversy broke out over the Alien and Sedition Acts. Alien and Sedition Acts Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Section 4 Assessment 1ab, 2ab, 3ab Reading Check page 215 How did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions support the rights of states?

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