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Health 5.L.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Health 5.L.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health 5.L.2

2 Brochure You will create a brochure on Health Topics to be included
Smoking Genetics Cancer Genetics and Environ Alcohol Mutations Drugs Diet Personal Choice Exercise Technology

3 Brochure You can use the PowerPoint Notes but each section must include a new fact not included each section must have 5 facts. You must include 5 pictures You must include a cover that reflects information on the inside with a picture and slogan (Min. 5 items) You need to either print or draw the rubric below it needs to be included.

4 Topic 10 8 6 4 2 Total Smoking 5 facts Include 4 facts
Brochure Rubric Topic 10 8 6 4 2 Total Smoking 5 facts Include 4 facts 3 facts included 2 facts included 1 fact include No facts Cancer 3 facts 2 facts 1 fact None Alcohol Drugs 4 Facts Genetics Genetic Environ Diet Exercise Mutations Personal Choice Technology Pictures 5 pics 4 pics 3pics 2 pics 1 pic Cover 5 items 4 items 3 items 2 item 1 item Total Points 120 Possible

5 Smoking Can Cause Heart Disease Affects Cholesterol level Cancer
Breathing Problems Problems for unborn child if mother smokes during pregnancy

6 Cancer Smoking increases the risk of developing certain types of cancers Lung cancer most often but many others. Chewing tobacco increases risk of mouth and throat cancers Drinking Alcohol increases risk of liver cancers.


8 Cancer No single factor Inherited Traits Infectious Organisms
Environment Lifestyles Diagnosed: Tissues cells under electron microscope.

9 Alcohol Can cause Liver cancer through long-term use.
FAS(Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) The mother consumes alcohol during pregnancy can cause the child to be born be birth defects Mental retardation Growth Deficiencies Facial Features Central Nervous System damage Heart Problems-Irregular Heart Beat, Stroke Pancreas-Produce toxic substance Pancreatitis Immune System-Weakens easier for Disease


11 Drugs Brain Damage Heart Damage Lung Damage Weight Loss
Psychological Damage Consumption of illegal drugs during pregnancy can result in miscarriage, low birth weight,premature labor, placental abruption, fetal death, and even maternal death.

12 Personal Choice Can lead to some diseases Ozone Disease- Bronchitis
Exposure to UV -Skin cell and eye damage Mixing cleaning chemicals- breathing problems Lack of Calcium-Osteoporosis Slow digestive system- too many saturated fats not enough fiber

13 Genetics Cystic Fibrosis- Mutation DNA gene Alzheimer- Loss of memory
Muscular Dystrophy

14 Genetics and Environmental
Cancer- Smoking and Drinking Obesity- Diet and Exercise Type 2 diabetes Parkinson- Nervous system disorder Smoking Heart- Diet and Exercise Avoid fatty foods which clog arteries and reduce carbohydrates High Blood Pressure Diet and Exercise

15 Mutagen  Is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level  Many mutations cause cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely to becarcinogens

16 Diet Nutritious food such as fruits, vegetables and proper amount of protein leds to good health, long life, increased energy. Junk Food such as chips and candy actually reduce energy and concentration Synthetic foods contain some toxins that can alter health.




20 Exercise At least 3 times weekly can led to a healthy heart, healthy lungs, strong bones and good muscle tone.

21 Technology Electron Microscope- allowed us to see inside cells.
Computed Tomography(CT) Tumors in the brain Brain damage

22 Technology Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Different tissues light and dark Ultrasound Pregnancy to see unborn child Caridalogy See inside heart Urology Blood flow through kidneys Kidney stones


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