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PEER PROGRAM LEAP Presentation January 11, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "PEER PROGRAM LEAP Presentation January 11, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 PEER PROGRAM LEAP Presentation January 11, 2017
Jennifer Wall, LPC Supervisor of Student Assistance Services Loudoun County Public Schools Department of Pupil Services

2 PEER Program Positive Experiences in Educational Relationships
All 15 high schools PEER helper training - boundaries, ethics, confidentiality, communication, assertiveness, and decision making skills Students provide 1:1 mentoring to other students within the school Focus initiatives on bullying, relationships, substance use, mental health awareness 1-2 PEER Sponsors, a school counselor, and school social worker support students 9 groups have organized initiatives on bullying prevention this year Program has been part of LCPS Over 15 years Students must obtain 2 teacher/staff recommendations, write essay, and go through interview process to be selected. Acceptance letters are sent in the spring.

3 PEER Conference - One Love Foundation
4th Annual Conference - relationship abuse and dating violence prevention Escalation Workshop In February, all schools will do a #thatsnotlove project 160 students at PEER Conference Students participated in discussions about the film, recognizing signs of unhealthy relationships, what they can do to help themselves and each other Previous conferences: Bullying prevention, RP, and The Project Purple SA Prevention

4 Dominion PEER Kindness Week in October – Announcements, flyers, handprint pledges

5 John Champe PEER Champe Strong – Unity Day, Orange Bracelets
World Kindness Day Spreading Positivity

6 Freedom PEER Annual Hero in the Hallway
December 2016 Unity Week – focused on inclusion and unity

7 Heritage PEER Kindness Display–positive messages
Don’t Let the Bullies Scare You/Fall in Love with Yourself

8 Loudoun Valley PEER Welcome Picnic for new students
Spread Kindness Board Monthly visits to Blue Ridge –friendship, respect and acceptance ‘Hey Day’ – say hello to those you do not know The Power of Gratitude Banner -Gratitude Gems

9 Potomac Falls PEER ‘PAWS’ itive Panther Activity - Turning Lemons into Lemonade

10 Rock Ridge PEER Stone Hill Middle MS - building activities to show the importance of not judging one another 1st grade team at Creighton's Corner ES to discuss ABC’s of Kindness Positive Messages – Post It Notes

11 Stone Bridge PEER Bulldogs Don’t Bully- Present to Trailside and Sanders and provide ongoing mentoring to these schools. Davey’s Week - practicing kindness and acceptance, Take What You Need, Friendship Bracelets

12 Tuscarora PEER Stomp Out Bullying - Step Up, Step Forward, Stop Bullying

13 Stone Bridge PEER Videos
Bulldogs Don’t Bully Mental Health PSA Beautiful- Andrea Rounsley

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