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After Grade 10: Career Planning and Course Selection

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Presentation on theme: "After Grade 10: Career Planning and Course Selection"— Presentation transcript:

1 After Grade 10: Career Planning and Course Selection

2 Overview Introduction Important Info About Choosing Grade 11 courses
Grade 11/12 Program Options College and University Admission Requirements Destination Based Planning Next Steps/Final Reminders

3 Types of Courses in Grades 11 & 12
The 5th Character indicates what type of course it is ENG3U U = University Preparation MCF3M M = University/College Preparation BMI3C C = College Preparation PAF3O O = Open MEL3E E = Workplace Preparation

4 Choices are Important! The only 2 courses you MUST choose are English & Math. Many grade 11 courses are prerequisites for grade 12 courses. (e.g. MCR3U needed for MHF4U) Grade 12 courses are often prerequisites for post- secondary programs( e.g. MHF4U needed to study business, engineering and science in university)

5 Fact vs. Fiction If you plan on going to college or university, you cannot take Open level courses---FICTION Colleges and Univeristies do NOT look at grade 11 marks---FICTION You can pick a spare in grade 11---FICTION You must have successfully completed 23 credits before you can take a spare

6 Co-Op/SHSM/Dual Credit
Co-op is an opportunity to earn 2 or 4 credits by working in a real life setting gaining valuable on the job work experience (1 credit co-op is sometimes offered in the summer by the TDSB Continuing Education Dept. ) SHSM is a program where you must take certain courses in order to graduate with a Specialist High Skills Major and a special high school diploma. You can take an ICT or Environmental SHSM at SATEC Dual Credit is a program where you choose a college course at a college in the GTA and you gain one high school credit and earn a college credit as well.

7 College vs University College University Length of Program & Cost
1-4 Years $$ 4 Years (Co-op programs are 5 years) $$$ Admission Requirements from Grade 12 OSSD with C/M/U or O courses OSSD with 6 U or M courses (in grade 12) Focus of Programs and class size Practical, aimed at acquiring specific skills related to occupational fields. Small class sizes Theoretical and Analytical. Sometimes large class sizes Granted Upon Graduation Diploma or Certificate or Degree Degree (B.A., B. Sc., B. Com)

8 College Admission Requirements
OSSD (High School Diploma), 40 Volunteer Hours, and Pass the Literacy Test Grade 12 College English (or University English) Some programs require specific courses in high school (e.g. math is needed for engineering technology) or experience might be needed for social service programs Use or to see what is needed and learn about different programs

9 University Admission Requirements
OSSD (High School Diploma), 40 Volunteer Hours, and Pass the Literacy Test A minimum of 6 Grade 12 U or M credits, including Grade 12 U English (ENG4U)--the others depend on the program you want Use or to see what is needed and learn about different programs

10 Educational Planning Think about which post secondary route you want to take (Workplace, Apprenticeship, College, University) Check websites for requirements ( List Grade 12 courses required for your post- secondary program Talk to your Guidance Counsellor Talk to your family

11 What if I am planning on going to University?
Keep your options open BUT Select courses at the right level for you – college programs and apprenticeship training lead to many occupations University pathway: must choose academic English Choosing college or workplace math? You can still go to university depending on your program choice.

12 What university programs require math in grade 12?
Science Programs (e.g. Life and biochemical sciences, physical sciences, environmental sciences) Business Programs (e.g. Management, accounting) Engineering Programs Computer Science/IT Programs Math Programs Some Physical Education/Kinesiology programs

13 Looking ahead to Gr. 11 MBF3C1 MPM2D1 MCF3M1 MCR3U1 MAT2L1 MEL3E1
MFM2P1 MBF3C1 MCF3M1 MCR3U1 min 75% recommended in MFM2P1 MAT2L1 MEL3E1

14 Looking Ahead to Gr. 12 MCR3U1 MHF4U1 MCV4U1 MCF3M1 MDM4U1 MBF3C1 MAP4C1

15 Making Informed Choices
Select courses at the right level for you Choose 2 Alternative courses in case 1 of the 8 you select cannot be timetabled Do your research ahead of time (talk to teachers, attend course fair) Choose wisely. Do not pick courses randomly! ...because

16 Making Informed Choices- continued may be stuck with them next year! Why? Course changes are not granted automatically Specific revisions to timetables are not always possible Changing your mind on taking certain courses later may result in disappointment because classes will already will be full.

17 Next Steps... Course Fair (Wednesday Feb. 15)
Learn more about courses and pathways in Choices online By Thurs. Feb 23 you must submit these documents to your Homeroom teacher in period 1: SATEC Course Selection Worksheet Course Selection sheet signed by a parent/guardian (this is generated by when you choose your courses online)

18 How to use myBlueprint Video tutorial
Activation key to set up new account: satecwap

19 Questions Follow us on Twitter @SatecGuidance

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