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SAFETY in the Clinical Laboratory

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Presentation on theme: "SAFETY in the Clinical Laboratory"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAFETY in the Clinical Laboratory

2 Biological Sharp Chemical Radioactive Electrical Fire/explosive
SAFETY HAZARDS Biological Sharp Chemical Radioactive Electrical Fire/explosive Physical

3 Biological Hazards Source Possible infection Specimen Fomites Patients
Bacterial Fungal Viral parasitic

4 Chain of Infection

5 Universal Precautions (UP)
By CDC and OSHA All patients are considered to be possible carriers of bloodborne pathogens

6 Body Substance Isolation (BSI)
All body fluids and moist body substances are considered to be potentially infectious.

7 Standard Precautions (SP)
Treat all biological specimens as potentially infectious.

8 SP

9 SP Latex Powder free nitrile Cotton Lightweight cotton Cut-resistant
Finger cots Heavy duty neoprene Polyethylene Rubber


11 SP Spill control Spill clean-up Decontamination

12 SP Environmental protection Waste disposal

13 What is the disinfectant of choice for bloodborne pathogens?
SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE (1:10) How are biological wastes disposed? Incineration, autoclaving or pickup by certified hazardous waste company

14 Sharp hazards Possible Injury Cuts, punctures
Bloodborne pathogen exposure


16 Chemical Hazards Source Possible Injury Preservatives Reagents
Exposure to toxic, carcinogenic, or caustic agents

17 Chemical Hazards Chemical spills Chemical handling
Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Chemical labeling Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)



20 Radioactive hazards The degree of radiation exposure is related to the combination of time, distance and shielding. Source Equipment Radioisotopes Possible injury Radiation exposure

21 Electrical Hazards Sources Possible injury Ungrounded or wet equipment
Frayed cords Possible injury Burns shock

22 Fire hazards R A C E Sources Possible injury Bunsen burners
Organic chemicals Possible injury Burns Dismemberment


24 Using the fire extinguisher
PULL...Pull the pin. (lock latch, pressing a puncture lever, or other motion) AIM...Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire. SQUEEZE...Squeeze the handle. SWEEP...Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out. Watch the fire area in case fire breaks out again, and repeat use of the extinguisher if necessary.

25 Physical hazards Running Wet floors Proper body movements Long Hair
Jewelry Working area Closed shoes

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