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NUCAPS and wrf-chem-d01 4 August 2016 United Arab Emirates

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1 NUCAPS and wrf-chem-d01 4 August 2016 United Arab Emirates
Louie Grasso, Jack Dostalek (CIRA), and Jennie Bukowski (CSU-ATMOS) 20 February 2017

2 Figure 1: Vertically integrated water vapor (IWV) from the surface to 500 mb computed from NUCAPS retrieved soundings on 4 Aug 2016 at 09Z. Locations of specific NUCAPS soundings are denoted by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Abu Dahbi Arpt (AD), and King Khalid (KK). NUCAPS data is provided by Jack Dostalek.

3 Figure 2: Location 1 soundings from 09Z NUCAPS (left) and 12Z wrf-chem (right). Data from wrf_chem is from wrf_out_d01_ _00_00 and provided by Jennie Bukowski.

4 Figure 3: Location 2 soundings from 09Z NUCAPS (left) and 12Z wrf-chem (right). Data from wrf_chem is from wrf_out_d01_ _00_00 and provided by Jennie Bukowski.

5 Figure 4: Synthetic GOES-R Tb(10. 35)-Tb(12
Figure 4: Synthetic GOES-R Tb(10.35)-Tb(12.3) from idealized run using the NUCAPS location 2 sounding. Details of idealized simulation is below.

6 Figure 5: Soundings at 12Z from Abu Dhabi Arpt (left) and wrf-chem location 2 (right). Data from wrf_chem is from wrf_out_d01_ _00_00 and provided by Jennie Bukowski.

7 Figure 6: Synthetic GOES-R Tb(10. 35)-Tb(12
Figure 6: Synthetic GOES-R Tb(10.35)-Tb(12.3) from idealized run using the Abu Dhabi Arpt 12Z ray-ob, near location 2, sounding. Details of idealized simulation is below.

8 Figure 7: Sounding at 12Z from wrf-chem locations 3 and 4
Figure 7: Sounding at 12Z from wrf-chem locations 3 and 4. Data from wrf_chem is from wrf_out_d01_ _00_00 and provided by Jennie Bukowski. Corresponding NUCAPS soundings were not requested.

9 Figure 8: Location 5 soundings from 09Z NUCAPS (left) and 12Z wrf-chem (right). Data from wrf_chem is from wrf_out_d01_ _00_00 and provided by Jennie Bukowski.

10 Figure 9: Synthetic GOES-R Tb(10. 35)-Tb(12
Figure 9: Synthetic GOES-R Tb(10.35)-Tb(12.3) from idealized run using the NUCAPS location 5 sounding. Details of idealized simulation is below.

11 Figure 10: King Khalid soundings from 09Z NUCAPS (left) and 12Z wrf-chem (right). Data from wrf_chem is from wrf_out_d01_ _00_00 and provided by Jennie Bukowski.

12 Figure 11: Synthetic GOES-R imagery using the King Khalid retrieved NUCAPS sounding. Left: Tb(10.35), middle: Tb(12.3), right: Tb(10.35)-Tb(12.3). Lower panel shows the channel difference at X=5. Details of idealized simulation is below.

13 Details of idealized simulations

14 IF ( 0.0 < HEIGHT(K,I,J) .AND. &
HEIGHT(K,I,J) < (3000.0/FLOAT(NYP))*FLOAT(J) ) THEN !  W0 ASYM EXT ! E-03  see slide 16 DUST_EXT(K,I,J) = E-03 DUST_W0(K,I,J) = DUST_ASYM(K,I,J) = ! W0 ASYM EXT ! E-04  see slide 16 DUST_EXT(K,I,J) = E-04 DUST_W0(K,I,J) = DUST_ASYM(K,I,J) = ENDIF Simulated idealized domain: NXP=15, NYP=10, NZP=59. Dust thickness varies linearly from 0.0 m to m in the Y direction. Dust depth is 0.0 m along the southern edge at Y=1 and 3000 m at Y=10. Dust depth is constant in the X direction. NUCAPS soundings are used to initialize the 3D domain horizontally homogeneously.

15 Louie, March 2013 ! ! Please find a few files attached which contain the properties of the ! pseudo-dust aerosol I generated based on refraction indexes I found on ! internet. ! The filename contains the parts of volume content corresponding to quartz, ! kaolinite and hematite, respectively. I am sure that you would not like ! kaolinite-based mixtures since they have the single scattering albedo ~0.7 ! at visible but I included them for completeness. ! For all components I used the same size distribution as in Dubovik paper for ! the dust I used before. ! Regards ! Igor Dubovik et al paper "Variability of ! Absorption and Optical Properties of Key Aerosol Types Observed in Worldwide ! Locations" J. Atmos. Sci, 59, , 2002 ****************************************************************************************************************** ! WL wavelength (um) ! Qext, Qsca extinction and scattering efficiency factors (unitless) ! ALBEDO single scattering albedo (unitless) ! <cos> average cosine (asymmetry factor) (unitless) ! AREA mean particle area ( (um)**2 ) ! MR, MI real and imagine part of the refractive index (unitless) ! To calculate extinction coefficient if the number of particles in unit ! volume is Nv then the extinction coefficient in inverse meters ! ! ext.coef [1/m] = Nv [#/m^3] * Qext * Area [m^2]

16 ! WL wavelength (um) ! Qext, Qsca extinction and scattering efficiency factors (unitless) ! ALBEDO single scattering albedo (unitless) ! <cos> average cosine (asymmetry factor) (unitless) ! AREA mean particle area ( (um)**2 ) ! MR, MI real and imagine part of the refractive index (unitless) ! (D) DustModel_99_00_01.dat (quartz(99%), kaolinite(00%), hematite(1%)) ! clear pointy, chalk dull, metallic shiney ! ! WL Qext Qsca ALBEDO <cos> AREA MR MI ! e-003 ! e-004 ! e-005 ! e-005 ! e-007 ! e-007 ! e-004 ! e-004 ! e-003 ! e-002 ! e-002 ! e+000 ! e-001 ! e-002  See slide (14) above ! e-002 ! e-002  See slide (14) above ! e-001 See slide (14) for initialization of dust plume, which used the optical data on this page.

17 (A) (B) Figure 12: Real (A) and complex (B) index of refraction denoted in black. Average values within each GOES-R ABI bands is denoted in green. Plots were generated from data provided by Irina Sokolik of Georgia Tech, 18 April See Genesis:/home/grasso/igor_polonsky/read_refIWhi.f90. Figures made 03 Nov 2016. DATA IN ABOVE PLOTS IS NOT USED FOR ANY SLIDE CONAINTED IN THIS PPTX FILE.

18 Figure 13: Left: Synthetic clear-sky (no clouds, no dust) GOES-R Tb(10
Figure 13: Left: Synthetic clear-sky (no clouds, no dust) GOES-R Tb(10.35) dark shading (wicked hot: T_skin C) with TPW (mm) contoured of data from wrf_chem wrf_out_d01_ _00_00 and is provided by Jennie Bukowski. Right: Vertically integrated water vapor (IWV) from the surface to 500 mb computed from NUCAPS retrieved soundings on 4 Aug 2016 at 09Z. Locations of specific NUCAPS soundings are denoted by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Abu Dahbi Arpt (AD), and King Khalid (KK). NUCAPS data is provided by Jack Dostalek.

19 Figure 14: Synthetic clear-sky (no clouds, no dust) GOES-R Tb(10
Figure 14: Synthetic clear-sky (no clouds, no dust) GOES-R Tb(10.35) dark shading (wicked hot: T_skin C) with Tb(10.35)-Tb(12.3) contoured. Data from wrf_chem wrf_out_d01_ _00_00 is provided by Jennie Bukowski.

20 Subject: 4 Aug 2016 NUCAPS wrf-chem
Hi All, Attached is a pptx file that summarizes a comparison between NUCAPAS and wrf-chem. As a first step, synthetic imagery from Jennie’s wrf-chem run is clear-sky only: No clouds, no dust. Kind Regards, Louie Re: 4 Aug 2016 NUCAPS wrf-chem Miller,Steven Mon 2/20/2017 8:59 PM Grasso,Lewis Dostalek,Jack Bukowski,Jennie Thanks Louie, this will definitely be going into our paper on this case and you’ll all be co-authors. Your BTD analyses (slides 5, 7, 10) were done only for the NUCAPS soundings.  Can they also be done for the WRF soundings and overplotted?  We see the differences in the skew-T’s, but how that translates to differences in the BTDs is a question here. I think another step is to examine the sensitivity for the assumption of a lofted dust layer.  Instead of growing the layer from 0 to 3 km, for example, grow it from 3 to 6 km.  Assuming the Abu Dhabi and King Khalid soundings, how is the split window BTD affected? Thanks! -steve Steven D. Miller, PhD. Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Director Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere Colorado State University; Foothills Campus 1375 Campus Delivery Ft. Collins, CO


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