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The Renaissance and Reformation (1300–1650)

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1 The Renaissance and Reformation (1300–1650)
Lesson 2 The Renaissance in Northern Europe

2 The Renaissance and Reformation (1300–1650)
Lesson 2 The Renaissance in Northern Europe Learning Objectives Describe the themes that northern European artists, humanists, and writers explored. Explain how the printing revolution shaped European society.

3 The Renaissance and Reformation (1300–1650)
Lesson 2 The Renaissance in Northern Europe Key Terms Flanders Albrecht Dürer engraving Erasmus Sir Thomas More utopian William Shakespeare Johannes Gutenberg

4 Artists of the Northern Renaissance
In the mid-1300s, the Black Death had reduced the population of Europe by one-third and brought the economy to a standstill. Italy recovered fairly quickly and was soon the center of the Renaissance and its creative upsurge. Only after 1450 did northern Europe enjoy the economic growth that had earlier supported the Renaissance in Italy.

5 Artists of the Northern Renaissance
Northern Renaissance Began in Flanders- why? From there, spread to rest of Western Europe Flemish Painters- Jan van Eyck- IMP- new oil paint technique- art could survive for centuries Peasant Bruegel? Albrecht Dürer: A “German Leonardo”- famous for his engravings-

6 Artists of the Northern Renaissance
Analyze Information Pieter Bruegel painted this scene of Flemish working life called The Harvesters in What are some Renaissance characteristics of this painting?

7 Northern Renaissance Humanists and Writers
Like the Italian humanists, northern European humanist scholars stressed education and classical learning. At the same time, they emphasized religious themes. They believed that the revival of ancient learning should be used to bring about religious and moral reform.

8 Northern Renaissance Humanists and Writers
Erasmus- writer- called for Bible to be written in vernacular- In Praise of Folly- used humor to point out problems with church Sir Thomas More- English- Utopia- describes ideal society, Utopian- Rabelais’s Comic Masterpiece- French- about two gentle giants Shakespeare Explores Universal Themes- THIS GUY RUINS HIGH SCHOOL- plays the commoner could understand- Romeo and Juliet

9 Northern Renaissance Humanists and Writers
Desiderius Erasmus was a Dutch priest and humanist scholar who was active during the Northern European Renaissance. He believed an individual's chief duties were to be open-minded and to show good will toward others.

10 The Printing Revolution
The great works of Renaissance literature reached a large audience. The reason for this was a crucial breakthrough in technology—the development of printing in Europe.

11 The Printing Revolution
The New Technology- Johannes Gutenberg of Mainz Germany- printed whole bible with moveable type- Gutenberg bible Revolutionized learning in Europe The Impact of the Printed Book- mass production of books, spread of ideas, written in local languages Turmoil for the church- anti-religious ideas could spread

12 The Printing Revolution
Analyze Charts The chart shows the effects of the printing press in Europe. Is it likely or unlikely that in 1500, only the largest European capital cities had printing presses?

13 The Printing Revolution
Johannes Gutenberg with the first printing press in 1450s Mainz, Germany

14 Quiz: Artists of the Northern Renaissance
What Renaissance artistic theme appeared in the works of Van Eyck and Bruegel? A. the rise of the merchant class B. peasant life C. poverty in the cities D. religious scenes

15 Quiz: Northern Renaissance Humanists and Writers
What was a goal that the writers Erasmus, More, and Rabelais all had in common? A. telling comical tales B. translating biblical stories C. changing and reforming society D. abandoning old religions

16 Quiz: The Printing Revolution
What was one impact of the printing revolution on European society? A. European readers learned classical languages as books became widely available. B. More people had access to knowledge because books became less expensive. C. Books were published in great numbers but were a luxury that only the wealthy could afford. D. The printing press made books more elegantly designed than in the past.

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