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Maintaining Visibility 2009

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1 Maintaining Visibility 2009
Colleen Daniels TB/HIV Advocacy

2 February 8 – CREATE & TB/HIV Working Group meeting
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections Montreal, Canada February 8-11, 2009 February 8 – CREATE & TB/HIV Working Group meeting review ongoing research efforts, promote interchange of scientific ideas on unmet research needs and discuss priorities Late Breaker Abstract Submission Deadline: January 2

3 Stop TB Partnership Forum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
March 23-25, 2009 No special session on TB/HIV but needs to be mainstreamed into all of the sessions. Need strong proposals for TB/HIV session in ALL of the thematic track discussions; online proposal submission open Steering Committee will discuss "declaration" or Civil Society Call for Action   Skills Building workshop civil society Planning civil society symposium which will include workshop about TB, TB/HIV and the MDR-TB Meeting in China Aims to synergize advocacy efforts over the year and find concrete areas for collaboration

4 Feed into the Pacific Health Summit in June
Ministerial meeting on Tuberculosis Care and control: addressing MDR-TB and XDR-TB Beijing, China April 1-3 participants to be invited will be: Ministerial delegations, representatives from international agencies, bi-lateral donors, technical agencies, civil society, the research community and corporate sector. Aims To strengthen political commitment and build engagement by affected countries and the global community. To stimulate development of 5 year MDR strategic plans Feed into the Pacific Health Summit in June MDR-TB Public & corporate sector cooperation 250 invited participants – CEOs, heads research agencies, Ministers of Health

5 PEPFAR HIV Implementers Meeting Windhoek, Namibia
June 12-15, 2009 TB/HIV will be under the care and treatment track competition will be tough for sessions so urge everyone to send in proposals as soon as possible Contact your representative on organizing committee

6 IAS will launch a TB/HIV prize at Cape Town of USD 2000
July 18-19, Cape Town, South Africa Redefining the HIV / TB Research Priorities in Resource-Limited Settings Creative ways to strengthen health systems and most effectively deliver care within current constraints are needed Civil society engagement IAS will launch a TB/HIV prize at Cape Town of USD 2000

7 August 8-9, Bali, Indonesia TB/HIV Working Group Meeting
The Asia Pacific TB/HIV Meeting : how to stimulate implementation of nation-wide expansion of activities Ongoing discussions continue to develop the agenda, areas of focus and logistics

8 47th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
October 29 - November 1, 2009, Philadelphia Interest in a TB symposium at IDSA 2009 Ideas were solicited from the scientific advisory committee but would like our suggestions  Proposal: Tuberculosis Symposium (co-organized with HIVMA and WHO Stop TB Partnership) New TB drugs Update on TB Diagnostics HIV/TB co-infection: deadly synergy Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

9 40th Union World Conference: Poverty and Lung Health, Cancun, Mexico
December 3-7 NTP/NAP TB/HIV symposium will again be included due to the success of the session at the 39th conference    What other sessions?

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