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Health promotion & NCD programs in Qatar

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1 Health promotion & NCD programs in Qatar
Dr AL Anoud Mohammed AL Thani Manager of Health Promotion & NCD programs SCH - Qatar

2 Qatar Qatar Map of Qatar Space: 11.521 km2 Population: 1,638,829(2009)
Number of Governmental Hospitals=5 Number of Private Hospitals=4 Number of PHCs=23 Health care services provided mostly free of charge to citizens & residents

3 Burden of NCD in Qatar The recent results of NCD in Qatar was provided by the WHS in 2006: The leading causes of death is: CVDs:20% RTI:16.2% Cancer:9.1%

4 Burden of NCD in Qatar Morbidity: 12% adults having diabetes.
10% classified as pre-diabetic. 13% are hypertensive.

5 Burden of risk factors related to NCD
physical activity: Less than 50% of men do regular physical activity. Less than 40% of female do regular physical activity. BMI: 30% of people are Normal Weight. 40% of people are Overweight. 30% are Obese.

6 Risk factors for ncd in Qatar
Smoking : 37% among adult men. 5% among adult women. 2007 GYTS(13-15 years): indicated that 20% of boys reported having smoked in the past 30 days.

7 Challenges in NCD Resources:
Manpower's: Limited qualified staff & working staff. Money: Limited resources for prevention & more towards clinical. Materials: e.g guidelines, effective educational materials. Ineffective intersectoral collaboration between different sectors. High turn off among policy makers

8 NCD section Supreme Council of Health SCH Public Health Department
Manager of Health Promotion & NCD programs NCD Section HIS Section Birth & Death Certificate Section Occupational Health Section

9 Sections under manager of health promotion & Ncd programs
NCD Section compose of 5 units: - Tobacco Unit. - Diabetes, Nutrition, CVDs & Blindness Unit. - Cancer & Respiratory Diseases Unit. - Mental Health & Injuries Unit. - Oral Health Unit. HIS section: is responsible for data collection & interpretation.

10 Sections under manager of health promotion & Ncd programs
Birth & Death Certificate: responsible for birth & death certificate, as its one of the good reference for death causes in Qatar. Occupational Health Section: its taking care of the labor in Qatar, by screening, management, health education & industrial assessment.

11 NCD Section Ongoing programs:
National Tobacco Prevention & Control Program. National Diabetes Prevention & Control Program. Chronic Diseases Surveillance System. National Nutritional Program. Healthy Steps to Albany.

12 NCD Section Health Promoting Schools. Cancer Registry & Screening.
Vision 2020 Program. National Oral Health School Program. National program for prevention & control of RTI.

13 HIS section Ongoing program: Annual Statistical Report.
Analyzing & Interpretation of Research Data. Starting designing a unified form for establishing the chronic diseases surveillance system.

14 Thank you

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