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The Projection Aspects of Digitising Globes

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1 The Projection Aspects of Digitising Globes
Mátyás Gede Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest The Projection Aspects of Digitising Globes

2 Contents The Virtual Globes Museum Processing globe prints
Processing photographs Building 3D models Creating a facsimile globe Discussion

3 The Virtual Globes Museum
On-line exhibition of 3D globe models related to Hungary Source materials: original unmounted gores or photo serieses of the globes

4 Possible Inputs

5 Possible Outputs

6 Processing Prints - georeferencing - projection transformation
GCPs: grid intersections Projection: Cassini (alternatives: Transverse Mercator; Polyconic) - projection transformation to Plate-Carée - assembling the pieces

7 Processing Photos - Georeferencing (projection: Near-Side Vertical Perspective) - Projection transformation (to Plate-Carée) - Assembling the pieces

8 Georeferencing photos
GCPs: grid intersections Projection: Vertical Near-Side Perspective - There are parameters missing: - Centre of projection - Perspective height Solution: the Globe Photo Parameter Calculator - a utility developed by the author - based on Nelder-Mead Downhill Simplex Method - finds the best parameter set to achieve minimal errors at the control points

9 Determining projection parameters
The parameters to be determinded: (φ,λ) – center of the projection h – height of perspecive point Additional parameters to place the projection on the photo: (Δx; Δy) – offset δ – rotation M – scale (pixels/km) An implementation of the downhill simplex method finds the appropriate parameter set to minimize the difference of the given and the calculated pixel coordinates at the GCPs.

10 Georeferencing Photos: the workflow
1st step: Setting and saving GCPs 2nd step: Calculating parameters 3rd step: Applying the calculated projection settings

11 Virtual Globes VRML model:

12 Virtuális gömbök KML model in Google Earth:

13 Creating a New, Virtual Globe
Direct creation of the texture files for the VRML model Examples: globes of the Mars, Moon an Venus by Henrik Hargitai - Further research is needed to determine how to take the distortions in count while editing the map

14 Facsimile Globe Production
- Creating gores Platte-Carrée segments are transformed to Cassini projection (transverse form of Equirectangular projection)

15 Facsimile Globe Production
- Mounting

16 Discussion Accuracy of georeferencing a photo depends on
the distance of the globe centre from the optical axis the shape of the globe (it is never a perfect sphere) imperfectly mounted gores Appearance of Moirë effect (interference between the printing rasters and the sampling grid) Advisable to apply a Moirë filter on the scanned image Special non-spherical globes – no problem in VRML Polar areas in Google Earth

17 Further information: Virtual Globes Museum Mátyás GEDE

18 Thanks for your attention!

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