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Websites and screen shots of data products

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1 Websites and screen shots of data products
Development of a Flood Forecasting System for the Ganges and Brahmaputra Basins using Ensemble Weather Forecasts and Satellite-based Precipitation, River Widths and Heights

2 Main project website


4 Real-time precipitation displays

5 Satellite precipitation 24hr accumulation Feb 9-10, 2016

6 Zoomed in of previous Website:

7 ECMWF precipitation 24hr accumulation Feb 9-10, 2016

8 Zoomed in of previous Website:
-- 5 day accumulations also available, and differing centers and lead-times

9 Real-time and archived in-situ river stage


11 Zooming in and clicking on a station
Native values shown in plot on the left; quality controlled on the right

12 “Rating curve” fits

13 Optimal lagged “rating curve”
Optimal lagged rating curve for one station lower down in the Brahmaputra, with curser giving individual points

14 Same site as previous, but arbitrary lag
Same site as previous – arbitrary lag greatly increases the rating curve fit “error”

15 Another site higher up in basin
Rating curve higher up in basin and along a smaller tributary – notice the increased “error”

16 Website of data products

17 Reports, maps, and data directories provided here

18 Gaging sites river discharge estimates
Looking under “AllPlots/” find individual plots of associated discharge at each river stage gaging sits

19 Access to individual data files also made available
Data also provided under our FTP site

20 Example of quality-controlled river stage readings

21 Satellite altimetry data table and time-series plots of each monitored location

22 Satellite “width” correlations to nearest in-situ river stage readings for each monitored location
Correlation of “width” data to

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