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The World of Creepy Reptiles

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1 The World of Creepy Reptiles
By: Emilie, Dylan, Raf, and Allen.

2 Characteristics Reptiles are cold blooded animals that usually stay in the sun or heat. They are covered with scales/scutes. Most of them are tetrapods which is an animal with 4 feet, legs, or leg-like appendages. The Tuatara is a reptile that lived in the same time period of the dinosaurs. They may look like a lizard but they aren’t. They are an endangered specie. There are 9,000 reptile species in the world! Reptiles started evolving 330 million years ago! Most reptiles lay eggs, but some snakes don’t. Subgroups: Turtles, tortoise, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, alligators, and tuatara. Examples Galapagos tortoise, Red Eared Slider (turtle), Rattlesnake, Yellow Spotted Lizard, Nile Crocodile, American Alligator, and the Tuatara.

3 Environments Some endangered animals are the Boa Constrictor. It’s endangered because of people cutting down rainforest. The American Crocodile is endangered as well because of humans claiming their land. The Hawksbill Sea Turtle is endangered because of degradation of their habitat. Some survival methods of a reptile are camouflage ( a way of blending in). Some reptiles inject venom, or detach their tales. Sometimes they just show their teeth. They usually want to run away. Hawksbill Sea Turtle Boa Constrictor You can find reptiles almost anywhere, but they like to live in warm climates like, swamps, deserts, and rain forests.

4 Contrasts and Comparisons
Black Mamba Red Eared Slider Dwarf Crocodile Environments: Savannas and rocky hills of Eastern Africa. Found in tropical and subtropical waters. Found in swamps and slow moving streams in Central Africa. Diet: Rodents, bats, birds, lizards, and sometimes other snakes. They are omnivorous which means they eat both plants and meat. They’re carnivores that eat fish, birds, snakes, frogs, carrions, and any small mammals they can catch. Behaviors: Very aggressive when disturbed. Perform behaviors that are necessary for their well-being. Very protective over young. They are a solitary and nocturnal animal. Survival Methods: Only bites when cornered up. They’ll try to run away from predators Very tough because of their shell and can adapt to varied habitats. It is a very armored crocodile that helps protect them from predators.

5 The Comparisons and Contrasts
Comparisons: All of the three species are found in hot areas of land. The Black Mamba and Dwarf Crocodile are both carnivores. They both eat snakes and small mammals. The Red Eared Slider and the Dwarf Crocodile both have a protective layer that helps them survive (also helps protect them from predators). Also they both have 4 legs. Contrasts: The Red Eared Slider eats plants as well. They all have different ways of protecting themselves from harm or predators. The Black Mamba has a very, very poisonous bite. They all have different behaviors and ways that they act do to its specie or habitat. Raise your hand if you found any other comparisons or contrasts. Please share it with the class.

6 13 Funky Did You Know Facts
Did you know that there are reptiles on every continent except Antarctica? Reptiles get their body heat from external sources. Reptiles are among the longest-lived species on the planet. Did you know most of the world’s snakes are non-venomous? Did you know more Americans die each year from bee stings than snake bites? Certain types of snakes can go months without eating. Most types of reptile do not tolerate cold very well. Did you know that snakes and lizards flick their tongues in the air to catch scent particles? Chameleons don’t change their color to blend in with different backgrounds. They naturally camouflage with their habitat. Did you know that the skull of snakes are made up of many small bones that are interconnected in a flexible fashion? Many people think reptiles are slimy but reptiles don’t have sweat glands. Did you know the scales of a snake (and many lizards) are made of keratin, which is the same substance that makes up the hair and fingernails of a human? Snakes shed their skin in relation to their growth rate.

7 Bibliography Research from:
Copyright: National Geographic Society Copyright: November 4th KPBS Copyright: HubPages Inc. Austins Turtle Page Copyright: slider.aspx Copyright: BowTie, Inc.

8 Bagheera
Copyright: 2012 Philadelphia Zoo Whipsnade Zoo Smithsonian National Zoological Park Interesting facts: By: Brandon Cornett Pictures: Clip Art from Microsoft PowerPoint Copyright: 2009 Animals Wallpapers Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Copyright: 2010

9 Hope you enjoyed!

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