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Pollution in Our Bodies

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Presentation on theme: "Pollution in Our Bodies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution in Our Bodies

2 󰊱 Body Pollution - pollution in the environment (= _______, _______, and ______ ) vs. pollution in _____ _______

3 󰊱 Body Pollution - pollution in the environment (= water, air, and land ) vs. pollution in our bodies

4 󰊲 Cancer-Causing Chemicals 1) In a study of 9 people to _____________________________, they had an average of 53 _____________________ in their bodies - an average of 62 ___________________________ - 55 that _____________________________________ - a lot of chemicals, and the amounts of them were so small that ...

5 󰊲 Cancer-Causing Chemicals 1) In a study of 9 people to measure the chemicals in their bodies, they had an average of 53 cancer-causing chemicals in their bodies - an average of 62 chemicals that can damage the brain - 55 that can harm babies in pregnant women - a lot of chemicals, and the amounts of them were so small that they were not hurting people

6 2) Why scientists are worried? Because ...

7 2) Why scientists are worried
2) Why scientists are worried? Because these chemicals were created by humans and they did not exist 75 yrs ago.

8 < How Pollution Gets Into Our Bodies > 󰊳 Contact with Chemicals - chemicals contained in _____, ________, and _________ may cause _________________ - DEA and TEA may ... * what is Choline?

9 < How Pollution Gets Into Our Bodies > 󰊳 Contact with Chemicals - chemicals contained in soap, skin lotion and shampoo may cause memory loss - DEA and TEA may seep into the skin and then stop the skin from absorbing a helpful nutrient called choline. * what is Choline? A nutrient that plays a crucial role in the memory cell production

10 󰊴 Chemical in Toothpaste - what is ‘Fluoride’
󰊴 Chemical in Toothpaste - what is ‘Fluoride’? - How ‘Fluoride’ can harm?

11 󰊴 Chemical in Toothpaste - what is ‘Fluoride’
󰊴 Chemical in Toothpaste - what is ‘Fluoride’? A key ingredient in many toothpastes - How ‘Fluoride’ can harm? It has been implicated in bone cancer and other diseases

12 󰊵 Women Exposed to More Chemicals - Phthalates found in beauty products like ___________, _____________, _________, and ___________ - How ‘phthalates’ can harm? - So the more women __________________________, the more _____________________________

13 󰊵 Women Exposed to More Chemicals - Phthalates found in beauty products like nail polish, hair spray, deodorant, and perfume - How ‘phthalates’ can harm? It can damage the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs. - So the more women try to look beautiful, the more they could be harming their health

14 󰊶 Closing - (In a futuristic story) why the man who drank from a pristine stream died? - we must ...

15 󰊶 Closing - (In a futuristic story) why the man who drank from a pristine stream died? Because his body was so polluted that pure water was a poison to him. - we must find ways to reduce the pollution we take in.

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