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Pre-Core Training An introduction to school to school support.

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1 Pre-Core Training An introduction to school to school support

2 An introduction to school to school support
Session aims To understand the aims of the training programme To understand the criteria for being an SLE To explore professional expectations To understand the local SLE picture

3 History of the SLE The white paper (2010)
As we create the national network of teaching schools, we will also designate ‘specialist leaders of education’ – excellent professionals in leadership positions below the head teacher (such as deputies, bursars, heads of department) who will support others in similar positions in other schools As of the East Region will take responsibility for SLE recruitment and training in the region.

4 The Vision Improving outcomes for children leaders supporting leaders
drawing on specialist knowledge and areas of expertise being flexible to meet the needs of supported schools sustainability – helping schools improve their own leadership capacity The SLE concept is closely linked to the vision for Teaching Schools. Teaching Schools are responsible for the recruitment, designation, brokerage and quality assurance of SLEs.

5 Process Application Interview Pre-Core Training Core Training
Post core Training Deployment

6 What is an SLE? SLE’s are outstanding middle and senior leaders who have the skills to support individuals or teams in similar positions in other schools. They understand what outstanding leadership practice in their area of expertise looks like They are skilled in helping other leaders Bring any existing SLE profiles.

7 An introduction to the SLE role
System leaders Leaders, usually working with other leaders within and beyond their individual organisations; sharing and harnessing the best resources that the system can offer to bring about improvement in their own and other organisations; and influencing thinking, policy and practice so as to have a positive impact on the lives and life chances of all children and young people. Quote “The SLE role allows me to widen my experience outside of my own school, enabling me to offer support, guidance and help to colleagues working in different contexts. It also enhances my own school, as I pick up golden nuggets of experience along the way.” “It developed my range of leadership styles, as you must be sensitive as a SLE, and empathy with your partner school and colleagues is vital.” “My SLE role has been a fantastic learning experience for all involved, but especially for me!” Bring any local quotes.

8 An introduction to the SLE role
Principles underpinning system leadership being driven by a moral purpose improving all children and young people’s lives regardless of which school or children’s centre they attend or neighbourhood in which they live recognising the reciprocal benefits derived from peer-to-peer support ensuring there is a positive impact with measurable outcomes accepting collective responsibility and shared accountability for the performance of the (education) system increasingly moving from intervention to prevention

9 Key element of SLE work is relationship building
An introduction to the SLE role Key element of SLE work is relationship building Contracting Trust Rapport

10 Case studies Local stories
This might be a good opportunity to engage an existing SLE to talk about some of their work. Possible contact with a local SLE if this works better geographically. Hard copies of any local case studies.

11 Gathering information about a client school as a SLE
Preparing for the visit Data; Results Conversations Anecdotal (word of mouth) Gathering information about a client school as a SLE Discussion regarding actions prior to the visit and on the day. First hand experience (e.g. walkabout; tour of school; pupil voice; work scrutiny) Documents e.g. Ofsted report, SEF

12 Local Paperwork and Procedures
TS paperwork/documentation etc re deployment Bring copies of the loca lpaperwork you expect them to complete

13 Preparation for Core Training Day
Challenge 1 - Complete a walkabout activity and document using your own local paperwork/system. This may be a ‘Learning Walk’, ‘Climate Walk’ or a ‘pop-in’ visit etc. Bring the record of this activity to the Core Training Challenge 2 - A persuasive conversation. Record the process and outcomes of a conversation with a student or colleague, with a view to reviewing how successful you were in controlling the direction and outcomes of that conversation. Bring notes to Core Training Challenge 3 – Complete the “Working Styles Questionnaire”. Hard copy of working style questionnaire.

14 Any questions?

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