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Welcome to Timberwolf Football

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1 Welcome to Timberwolf Football = @TWolfAthletics1
Certain materials in this presentation are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.

2 8th grade staff Ed Burleson-Campus Athletic Coordinator & head football coach-8th grade linebackers & offensive backs Greg Alexander-8th grade offensive & defensive linemen -head track coach Steve Raska-8th grade receivers & defensive backs-Head basketball coach

3 7th grade staff Cameron Goddard-7th grade offensive backs & linebackers- Asst. track Eban Atkins-7th grade offensive & defensive linemen-Asst. track coach Jerry Fehlker-7th grade offensive receivers & defensive backs-7th grade basketball coach-Swim coach


5 Sportsmanship Officials Opposing team Your child Other team members
All fans must be seated in the stands (basketball) or behind the fences (football).

6 Order Form-Yard Sign (On Website)

7 Will be using Jimmy Johns this year Cost is $6.97 plus tax
Game Day Food Orders Will be using Jimmy Johns this year Cost is $6.97 plus tax See my website for order form Can not order on line. The prices are different. Can phone in credit card info or go by store. Address is 6011 FM 2960

8 How Can You Get or Send Information?
Phone (Good Luck!) Fax Coach’s web page (the best source) Rank One website (most preferred) (sign up, sign up, sign up)

9 Phone th th

10 Fax Athletics # =

11 Coach’s Web Page



14 Rank One website

15 E-mail 8th Grade –
7th Grade –

16 Physicals & Registration
Must: Use our form Be current (within last year) NEW: All parents must register their athlete online through Rank One. See instruction sheet on web site.


18 Insurance Review insurance letter. (website)
If insurance is desired, you may sign up online (Website-Links)) Costs-Premier= $93/$64, 24 Hr.=$195/$127, extended dental= $9 (Costs depends on premier or economy coverage) DO NOT CHOOSE FB COVERAGE

19 Insurance FAQs KISD has a policy on every athlete in the program with a $500 deductible Parent’s insurance is primary, KISD is secondary

20 To File a Claim Submit claim form within 90 days of accident (Coach Alexander) Begin treatment within 90 days of accident Submit 1 claim form per accident Submit charges to primary insurance carrier first

21 Injuries Report it to coach immediately
Klein Collins trainer is available by appt. only Treatment 7:30 AM At games the school nurse, a trainer, or EMS is on duty Coach Alexander will fill out a first report of injury electronically. For a copy give us your address. Coaches are no longer allowed to tape ankles, can only apply wound dressings. If you take your athlete to the doctor/ER, he must return with a doctor’s note.

22 Sports Medicine KISD has an exclusive contract with the Houston Methodist Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine. There is a new facility 7105 FM 2920. For appointments call Exclusive provider for the Texans, Astros, Dynamo, & Rice. They are in network with our current insurance coverage.

23 Calendar Please pick one up & refer to it for game times, sites, & practice times (Website) Please pick up your child at the designated location (tennis courts) on time.

24 Equipment KISD provides except for cleats & tennis shoes.
May use personal shoulder pads & helmets if approved by coach. Must sign a waiver if using your own. Helmet must be plain white

25 Practices Will end on time (see calendar) Water breaks are scheduled
Discuss hydration & nutrition with your child

26 WATER Goal You need 8 glasses per day min!
Plain water, milk, and juice are best sources. Fruits & veggies give you water too! Caffeine causes you to lose water through increased urination Goal No coffee, less tea, and less sodas!

27 Nutrition ABC’s for Good Health
Aim for Fitness- Daily physical activity Build a Healthy Base- Good food choices and breakfast is a must. Choose Sensibly- Appropriate beverages (water, Gatorade) and healthy foods.

28 Teams 7th Grade Navy, Silver, White 8th Grade Navy, Silver, White
Teams are divided generally by ability level, with Navy being the higher level “C” or White games (see schedules) (Web)

29 Transportation: All will ride bus to games
Transportation: All will ride bus to games. On away games the 7th grade (All teams preferred to be checked out and returned home by parent). Will have 1 bus available for those that can’t be picked up. You sign your child out & turn in jersey after game. The 8th C & B teams stay until the end of the (A) game unless you sign them out after game. Can only sign out your child.

30 Game Day Procedures FB T-Shirt (No more shirt/tie) Order Form on website. A teams may go home after school on home games only. Must be back at school by 7:00 for 8:00 game. B & C teams do not go home.


32 Our Philosopy Education first-Football is extracurricular
Character Development Discipline Sportsmanship Teamwork Work ethic Accountability Responsibility Problem solving – Don’t be their default setting Football – 93.3% will not be playing NCAA football 100% of our athletes will benefit from points 1-9.

33 No Pass-No Play NEW: Now on a 9 week grading period.
Progress report 1 does not affect eligibility, PR 2 & report card does. Remains ineligible for 3 weeks May regain eligibility by passing all courses at progress report or report card time. Use the parent portal to keep an eye on your athlete’s grades.

34 Discipline ISS – May not play or practice on day assigned.
Missed practices diminishes playing time. Unexcused absences requires additional work after practice. Continued discipline problems will result in removal from team. Parent will be called first.

35 Sports Performance Team Willowbrook Hospital
Klein ISD is proud to announce another 5 year association with Methodist Willowbrook. They are the exclusive provider for Klein ISD. Ms. Paula Parker – Program Director

36 Parent volunteers 3-For chain crew 2-Press Box (Announcer & spotter)
1-Clock keeper 1-Camcorder operator 1-Coordinator!!!!!

37 Reminders: Website, website, website,website!
Pick up any forms needed. Turn in any forms you have. Sign up for volunteers. Come out and support your Timberwolves. Thank you for your attendance! Website, website, website,website!

38 Closing Any questions? Inform staff when your child must miss practice. Prefer s. Monitor your child’s grades. Keep schedules handy. Sign up for for game day changes, canceled practices, etc.

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