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Great Britain’s Shared Axis Energy Diagram

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Presentation on theme: "Great Britain’s Shared Axis Energy Diagram"— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Britain’s Shared Axis Energy Diagram
Daily resolution Data from: January 2014 to September 2017 Dr. Grant Wilson Updated slidepacks can be found at the downloads section of which has the shortened URL of 21st July 2017

2 The underlying electrical and natural gas data are available at a geographical level of Great Britain rather than the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland is not included). The liquid fuels data is available at a United Kingdom level that includes Northern Ireland. All data is sourced from National Grid, Elexon and the department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

3 An explanation of the evolution of the diagram is explained in the open access publication:
Energy Data Visualization Requires Additional Approaches to Continue to be Relevant in a World with Greater Low-Carbon Generation

4 The diagrams in this slidepack have been produced with a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license to encourage their wider use in other presentations or reports. On rare occasions, there are errors in the data that have been manually corrected. For most erroneous zero values, the previous valid non-zero value is held until the next valid non-zero value. For a few other erroneous values, a straight line of values between the two valid values is calculated. The occurrence of the errors is rare enough to be negligible, and is generally an error with many of the values in a particular time period. Dr. Grant Wilson Teaching and Research Fellow Environmental and Energy Engineering Group Chemical and Biological Engineering The University of Sheffield

5 Disclaimer The content of this work has been carefully prepared and reviewed. However, the University of Sheffield does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided, or that it is up-to-date. The University of Sheffield accepts no liability other than liability that can not be excluded by law whatsoever in respect of any claim or claims arising from the use of this work.

6 Electricity demand = INDO + embedded generation
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Electricity demand = INDO + embedded generation

7 Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day
Transport fuels = Aviation Fuels + DERV (Diesel) + Motor Spirit (Petrol)

8 Transport fuel = Aviation Fuel
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Transport fuel = Aviation Fuel

9 Transport fuel = DERV (Diesel)
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Transport fuel = DERV (Diesel)

10 Transport fuel = Motor Spirit (Petrol)
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Transport fuel = Motor Spirit (Petrol)

11 Natural gas demand, Non-Daily Metered (a proxy for heat demand)
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Natural gas demand, Non-Daily Metered (a proxy for heat demand)

12 Natural gas demand, Non-Daily Metered (a proxy for heat demand)
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Natural gas demand, Non-Daily Metered (a proxy for heat demand)

13 Electricity from nuclear generation
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Electricity from nuclear generation

14 Electricity from Non PS Hydro + Wind + Solar
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Electricity from Non PS Hydro + Wind + Solar

15 Electricity from coal generation
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Electricity from coal generation

16 Electricity from CCGT gas generation
Great Britain’s Energy Vectors – in GWh per day Electricity from CCGT gas generation

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