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Adult Social Care Ratings Summary Slides

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1 Adult Social Care Ratings Summary Slides
Current ratings published up to 24/04/2017

2 Current ratings overall and by key question for active locations
Since the previous update using 04 April 2017 data, the number of Outstanding ASC locations has fallen from 338 to 298. This is largely due to Hospice services moving from the ASC directorate to the Hospitals directorate. Note: Figures in chart are percentages Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 24/04/2017

3 Current overall ratings by service type
Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 24/04/2017

4 Current overall ratings by size of care home
Small = 1-10 beds, Medium = 11-49, Large = 50+ Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 24/04/2017

5 Current overall ratings by size of domiciliary care agency
The above chart presents data we have for DCA locations that have been rated and the number of people using the service. There is a trend suggesting that locations providing care to a smaller number of people are performing better than larger services. This analysis is based upon 3,797 rated DCA locations. Source: CQC ratings data and CQC community PIR data from April 2017

6 Current overall ratings by services with and without learning disability specialism
Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 24/04/2017

7 Current overall ratings by type of services with and without learning disability specialism
Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 03/04/2017

8 Overall ratings by publication quarter – Residential social care
Residential social care ratings, by publication quarter Calendar quarter Inadequate Requires improvement Good Outstanding 2015 Q2 190 898 1306 4 2015 Q3 174 929 1276 15 2015 Q4 163 877 1513 13 2016 Q1 177 978 1816 18 2016 Q2 988 1846 29 2016 Q3 182 1559 32 2016 Q4 161 748 1386 36 2017 Q1 166 903 1457 40 Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 24/04/2017. Completed quarters only.

9 Overall ratings by publication quarter – Community social care
Community social care ratings, by publication quarter Calendar quarter Inadequate Requires improvement Good Outstanding 2015 Q2 27 153 314 2015 Q3 19 151 390 3 2015 Q4 28 183 473 2 2016 Q1 222 729 13 2016 Q2 33 275 866 2016 Q3 30 272 828 2016 Q4 41 298 933 24 2017 Q1 38 269 730 25 Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 24/04/2017. Completed quarters only.

10 Current overall ratings by region
Figures in chart are percentages of rated locations Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 24/04/2017

11 Nursing and Residential ratings by region
Figures in chart are percentages of rated locations Source: CQC ratings data, data extracted 24/04/2017

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