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Inhibition of a High Fidelity DNA Repair Pathway by the Environmental Pollutant Hexavalent Chromium Cynthia Browning Wise Laboratory of Environmental and.

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Presentation on theme: "Inhibition of a High Fidelity DNA Repair Pathway by the Environmental Pollutant Hexavalent Chromium Cynthia Browning Wise Laboratory of Environmental and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inhibition of a High Fidelity DNA Repair Pathway by the Environmental Pollutant Hexavalent Chromium
Cynthia Browning Wise Laboratory of Environmental and Genetic Toxicology University of Louisville, KY Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering University of Maine, ME GSBSE Annual Meeting September 16, 2016

2 Chromium (Cr) Naturally occurring metal Primary uses Exposure Hardness
Naturally occurring metal Hardness High resistance to corrosion Cr salts have bright colors Primary uses Corrosion resistant agent Pigment in dyes, inks and paints Exposure Occupational Environmental ium2hpD9m_A/s1600/B25-mitchell-assembly.jpg Use as a primer to resist corrosion started in the 1920s by the Ford Motor company. Resistance to corrosion makes it popular for primers, chrome plating and as a stainless steel alloy. Sources of exposure to chromium: Paints, Dyes, Inks and Their Dusts Combustion of Fossil Fuels Industrial Cooling Towers Catalytic Converter Exhaust Trash Incinerator Exhaust Cement Dust Brake Lining Dust Industrial Waste Leather Materials Cigarette Smoke

3 Chromium (VI) Carcinogenicity
Particulate Cr(VI) is a human lung carcinogen Cr-induced tumors are characterized by genomic instability Particulate Cr(VI) induces chromosome instability Homologous recombination repair protects against Cr(VI)-induced structural chromosome instability Cr(VI) Epidemiological studies have identified chromate-induced lung cancers in chromate workers, chromium platers and dyers. Chromate is suspected to contribute to lung cancer formation in electroplaters, welders, metal workers, glass-fiber manufacturers and tanners. From epi studies From pathology studies and animal studies Other health effects include: skin irritation and ulceration; decreased sperm counts; kidney and liver damage; immunosuprression

4 Effect of Cr(VI) Exposure on Homologous Recombination (HR) Repair
Normal Cells 24 h Cr(VI) Treatment > 72 h Cr(VI) Treatment DSB DSB DSB MRE11 Sensing MRE11 M N R Sensing Sensing M N R M N R M N R M N R p-ATM M N R Transducing p-ATM M N R Transducing p-ATM p-ATM M N R Transducing p-ATM Nuclear RAD51 M N R p-ATM Rad51 Effecting M N R p-ATM Rad51 Effecting M N R Effecting Nuclear RAD51 RPA HR active HR inhibited

5 Hypothesis Prolonged Exposure to Particulate Cr(VI) Inhibits Homologous Recombination Repair Through the Misregulation of RAD51

6 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Decreases RAD51 Protein Levels
Let’s start by examining the effect of Cr(VI) exposure on Rad51 protein levels n=3

7 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Inhibits RAD51 Nuclear Monofilament Formation

8 RAD51 Foci Formation Is Inhibited By Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure

9 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Induces Cytoplasmic Accumulation of RAD51
120h 0.2 ug/cm2 Zinc Chromate 24h 0.2 ug/cm2 Zinc Chromate

10 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Increases Cytoplasmic RAD51

11 Nuclear Transport RAD51 nuclear transport is tightly regulated to limit levels within the nucleus Excessive nuclear levels of RAD51 can induce random recombination events RAD51 nuclear import facilitated by RAD51C BRCA2 RAD51 nuclear export facilitated by CRM1 Directionality of nuclear transport Ran-GTP predominantly found in nucleus Promotes dissociation of importin/cargo to release cargo in nucleus RanGAP1 is located on the cytoplasmic side of the NPC and stimulates GTP hydrolysis Stabilizes CRM1/cargo complexes in nucleus Ran transported back into the nucleus Ran-GDP predominantly found in cytoplasm Export cargo is released in the cytoplasm RCC1 facilitates GTP loading of Ran in the nucleus so the cycle can repeat

12 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Inhibits RAD51C Foci Formation
However, if we look at function by the formation of RAD51C foci, we find that RAD51C is inhibited after prolonged Cr(VI) exposure. How is RAD51C being inhibited? Is it being prohibited from entering the nucleus?

13 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Increases Cytoplasmic RAD51C

14 RAD51 Cytoplasmic Accumulation Increases After Cr(VI) Exposure in RAD51C Deficient Cells
Based on threshold set on the average cytoplasmic fluorescence of wt control n=3

15 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Slightly Increases Cytoplasmic BRCA2

16 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Inhibits the Central HR Repair Protein RAD51
RAD51 functional unit is inhibited Decreased protein level Subcellular mislocalization RAD51 import is inhibited RAD51C and BRCA2 are sequestered in the cytoplasm RAD51C foci formation inhibited RAD51C deficiency induces RAD51 cytoplasmic accumulation Suggests the RAD51 cytoplasmic accumulation is due to impaired import. May have more widespread consequences if nuclear import itself is inhibited. Does prolonged Cr(VI) exposure inhibit homologous recombination repair?

17 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Inhibits Homology Directed Repair
No Homology Directed Repair n=3

18 Prolonged Cr(VI) Exposure Inhibits Sister Chromatid Exchange Formation

19 Proposed Mechanism of Particulate Cr(VI)-Induced Carcinogenesis
Lower Fidelity DNA Repair Pathways G2 Arrest HR Repair Deficiency Cation DNA Double Strand Breaks RAD51 inhibition Cr 3+ Cr 5+ O Cr 4+ Structural Chromosome Instability Cr 6+ Decreased RAD51 Protein Level Subcellular Mislocalization of RAD51 Protein Anion Transport Permanent and Heritable Cell Phenotype Change Misregulation of RAD51 Nuclear Import Neoplastic Transformation and Cancer Cell Membrane

20 Acknowledgements Wise Lab of Environmental and Genetic Toxicology, University of Louisville Dr. John Pierce Wise, Sr Dr. Sandra Wise Christy Gianios Rachel Speer Sean Raph James Rossman Committee Members Dr. Hong Xie, Dr. Doug Thompson, Dr. Kevin Mills, Dr. Chris States Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering, University of Maine

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