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See god’s glory Exodus 33:18-34:9.

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Presentation on theme: "See god’s glory Exodus 33:18-34:9."— Presentation transcript:

1 See god’s glory Exodus 33:18-34:9

2 God’s Glory must be the focus of all we do (I Cor. 10:31)
Falling short of God’s Glory should be our greatest regret in sin (Rom. 3:23) See god’s glory Exodus 33:18-34:9

3 See God’s Glory… Prayerful Request Granted (Exodus 33:19- 23)
If Moses needed to see God’s Glory – How much more you and me!

4 See God’s Glory… Prayerful Request Granted (Exodus 33:19- 23)
If Moses needed to see God’s Glory – How much more you and me! God will show Moses his GOODNESS God will proclaim His NAME – JEHOVAH: Sovereign in GRACE and MERCY

5 See God’s Glory… Prayerful Request Granted (Exodus 33:19- 23)
If Moses needed to see God’s Glory – How much more you and me! God will show Moses his GOODNESS God will proclaim His NAME – JEHOVAH: Sovereign in GRACE and MERCY Protective Restriction: Cannot see God’s Face and live – TOO GLORIOUS (I Tim. 6:16)

6 See God’s Glory… God Proclaims God’s Glory (Ex. 34: 5-7)
“Jehovah, Jehovah, God (EL)”: Eternal “I Am”; Strong (Ex. 3:14, 6:2-3)

7 See God’s Glory… God Proclaims God’s Glory (Ex. 34: 5-7)
“Jehovah, Jehovah, God (EL)”: Eternal “I Am”; Strong (Ex. 3:14, 6:2-3) Merciful and Gracious

8 See God’s Glory… God Proclaims God’s Glory (Ex. 34: 5-7)
“Jehovah, Jehovah, God (EL)”: Eternal “I Am”; Strong (Ex. 3:14, 6:2-3) Merciful and Gracious Slow to anger

9 See God’s Glory… God Proclaims God’s Glory (Ex. 34: 5-7)
“Jehovah, Jehovah, God (EL)”: Eternal “I Am”; Strong (Ex. 3:14, 6:2-3) Merciful and Gracious Slow to anger Abundant in Loving Kindness and Truth Keeping Loving Kindness for thousands

10 See God’s Glory… God Proclaims God’s Glory (Ex. 34: 5-7)
“Jehovah, Jehovah, God (EL)”: Eternal “I Am”; Strong (Ex. 3:14, 6:2-3) Merciful and Gracious Slow to anger Abundant in Loving Kindness and Truth Keeping Loving Kindness for thousands Forgiving: Iniquity, Transgression, Sin…

11 See God’s Glory… God Proclaims God’s Glory (Ex. 34: 5-7)
Will in no wise clear the “guilty” (Ex. 32:26-28, 35)

12 See God’s Glory… God Proclaims God’s Glory (Ex. 34: 5-7)
Will in no wise clear the “guilty” (Ex. 32:26-28, 35) Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children (Ezek. 18:20) – unto third and fourth generations – sin has long lasting effects

13 See God’s Glory… Moses’ Response:
“And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped.” (Ex. 34:8) …the only logical response!

14 See God’s Glory… Moses’ Response:
“And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped.” (Ex. 34:8) …the only logical response! You, Like Moses need such a Glorious God in Your life – will you seek His ways? (Ex. 34:9, 33:13)

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