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Medical Statistic.

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1 Medical Statistic

2 What is a statistic A statistic is a field of study concerned with methods of Collectionتجميع ,Organizationتنظيم, Summarizingتلخيص , It makes presentation عرض, Classificationوصف, and analyzing تحليل the data. This analysis may lead to conclusions نتائجand decision قرارات . A statistician(الاحصائي) is someone who is versed متمكنin the successful ways application of statistical analysis.

3 Medical Statistics deals with applications of statistics to medicine and the health sciences, including epidemiology(علم الاوبئة), public health(الصحة العامة), forensic medicine(الطب العدلي), clinical research(البحوث السريرية) .

4 Types of Statistics Science: statistic may be: (i) Descriptive ; (ii) Inferential
When we first collect data for some project, it will usually be in a ‘rawخام ’ form . That is, not organized غير منظمهin any way, making it difficult to see what’s going on. Descriptive statistics is a series of procedures designed to illuminateالقاء الضوء the data, This may mean sorting the data by size; perhaps putting it into a table, maybe presenting it in an appropriate chart, or summarizing it numerically; and so on. An important consideration in this process is the type of variable concerned. The data from some variables are best described with a table, some with a chart, some, perhaps, with both. Other variables, a numeric summary is more appropriate.

5 When we want to discoverاكتشاف things that interest us about a population, we take a sample. We then hope to generalize our sample findings, Statisticians call this process, of generalizing from a sample to a population, statistical inference . It is include two main parts: Estimation التقدير Test of Hypothesis اختبار الفرضيات

6 Population & Sample Population: This is a much larger group that containing all the values & observations about which we wish to make inference. Sample: This is a part of population generally selected so as to be representative of the population in the variable(s) under study.

7 Variables and data A variable is something whose value can vary. For example, age, sex and blood type are variables. Data are the values you get when you measure a variable. For example, 32 years(for the variable age), or female (for the variable sex).

8 Types of Data Categorical (Qualitative) Nominal (no natural ordering)
Blood groups: A,B,O,AB, Sex :m/f Ordered categorical (ordinal) Pain severity - mild, moderate, severe Grade of breast cancer, Social Class: I to V Numerical (Quantitative) Discrete Number of children in a family, Number of attacks of asthma نوبات الربوper week Continuous Age (in years, days, hours, seconds….) Height in cm , Weight in kg


10 Statistical Notations
The information in statistic may be a number of variables (say X, Y, Z…etc.) and each variable is a number observation (say Xi, Yi, Zi… etc.), then: Rules of the Summation: ∑c = n.c (c is a constant) ∑(c yi) = c ∑yi ∑(xi±yi) = ∑xi±∑yi ∑ (xi± c) = ∑xi±n.c ∑(xi)2 ≠(∑xi)2 ∑(xi / yi) ≠∑xi / ∑yi ∑(xiyi) ≠∑xi ∑yi Example: Calculate 1to 7 above if: C=6 , Xi: 3, 5, 1 , Yi: 4, 2, 10

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