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Pre-Summit Webinar Initiative Updates

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Summit Webinar Initiative Updates"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Summit Webinar Initiative Updates
July 20, 2016 The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education #H326T However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Teaching Research Institute, nor the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jo Ann McCann.

2 Process Over Time… NCDB Visioning (APRIL/MAY 2016) SDBPs visioning (JULY 2016) Summit July (2016) National Needs assessment and Action Plan (FALL 2016) OSEP Priorities (2017) Effective, Efficient, Learning, Collaborating DB Network built on a shared vision

3 What to Expect Before and At Summit
State Project planning form At Update on process Presentation and Discussion on NCDB Technology Extended updates and discussion on national initiatives

4 Family Engagement Initiative What is driving the family work at NCDB?
Provide training and resources to state deaf-blind projects to help them ensure that families in their states have the support they need to partner effectively with early intervention and education service providers. Build the capacity of national family organizations to create a cohesive network of family leaders across the country.

5 Family Engagement Initiative What’s new/rolling out?
Family Specialist Training/NFADB Symposium Recommended Knowledge and Skill Sets for State Deaf-Blind Project Family Engagement Coordinators 2nd Families Matter Story: Camila and Soliz

6 Family Engagement Initiative What TA is available from this initiative?
Information and support group for family specialists State-specific consultation regarding building family training & support Information about increasing your collaboration with your Parent Center Resources on how to help families build leadership skills ( Friday Family Fun Facts Families Matter stories Online study (with NFADB) on the Role of Interveners in Educational Settings (Next: 10/3/16-11/7/16)

7 Family Engagement Initiative DB Summit Focus
Future collaboration with parent centers - what would be most helpful? Feedback from parent centers survey (n=25): 63% would like TA around evolving their relationship with SDBP 38% “sometimes” refer children with combined vision/hearing loss; 58% “always” refer Family specialist knowledge and skills document and training needs

8 Early Identification/ Referral Initiative What is driving the EI/R work at NCDB?
To continue to better identify and have referred for appropriate services/interventions infants and toddlers who are deaf-blind, by promoting a technical assistance process that can be implemented by state deaf-blind projects to improve early identification and referral outcomes. Building partnerships within the National Deaf-Blind TA Network and the broader early intervention community to develop, disseminate and implement resources and tools to ensure the use of effective intervention strategies

9 Early Identification/ Referral Initiative What’s new/rolling out?
Part C workgroup formed in winter of 2016 2 hr web-based training to PA Part C providers & coordinators Day-long training in Indiana for Part C providers and coordinators Creation of a matrix aligned with the DEC Recommended Practices and Developmental Domains to improve intervention practices

10 Early Identification/ Referral Initiative DB Summit focus
The Matrix what needs to be included how states would like support around it’s use (peer-to-peer TA, etc.) For states needing support around the EI/R process, how best can we support their needs? How do we want to share “lessons learned”/ resources across network over time?

11 Early Identification/ Referral Initiative What TA is available from this initiative?
The Self-Assessment Guide and Action Planning Process The Tool Kit The 6 national webinars: Self-Assessment Guide Action Planning Process Part C Medical EHDI Community Programs

12 Literacy Initiative What is driving the Literacy work at NCDB?
Promoting the use of the Literacy website with teachers and families. Providing TA and materials to state projects on the use of the Literacy website in their efforts. Partnering with Family Initiative on the Families Matter stories.

13 Literacy Initiative What’s new/rolling out?
Developing a module for teachers that that is instructional for using the Literacy website Field testing the module with teachers.

14 Literacy Initiative DB Summit Focus
How does the future Literacy module tie in with: The Moodle Users efforts? The Teacher of the DB efforts?

15 Literacy Initiative What TA is available from this initiative?
TA around the use of the Literacy Website for Deaf-Blind Projects Materials are available for providing training in your state Future- Field testing Literacy module Future-training on hosting the Literacy module by Network partners

16 Intervener & Qualified Personnel Initiative What is driving the initiative at NCDB?
There is widespread recognition of the need for qualified personnel for students who are deaf-blind at the local level. (National Intervener Recommendations; NFADB & CHARGE Syndrome leadership meetings; Cogswell-Macy Act). The need for high quality tools that states can use to support training and recognition for interveners and teachers who support students who are deaf-blind.

17 Intervener & Qualified Personnel Initiative What’s new/rolling out?
On October 1, 2016, all 27 of the OHOA modules will be released to the community for use and adoption. On October 1, 2016, the National Intervener Certification E-portfolio process and product will be released in partnership with the Para2Center at the University of Colorado at Denver. Both OHOA and NICE, have supporting materials that will enable adoption and use.

18 Intervener & Qualified Personnel Initiative DB Summit Focus
Emphasis on the participatory outcomes of product development and use by a national community. Data and implications from that data on product adoption and use. Discussion of how such products support implementation at the state and local levels. Discussion of innovation and lessons learned.

19 Intervener & Qualified Personnel Initiative What TA is available from this initiative?
Nancy Steele leads TA with support from the NCDB team (Amanda, Elayne, Jacob, Leanne, & Jenna). NCDB will provide formal TA on the NICE system through the Para2Center staff. Resources and materials will be provided to support the NICE ecosystem, modules, and e-portfolio platform. NCDB will provide ongoing technical assistance and support for mentoring and coaching with interested state and university partners for OHOA and NICE.

20 Transition - Preparing Youth for College, Career and Community Living
DB Summit Focus : Shared Vision Shared Purpose Shared Resources

21 What does the deaf-blind child count say
Transition - Preparing Youth for College, Career and Community Living, Continued DB Summit Focus: What does the deaf-blind child count say What are the implications What type of TA would be effective in your state

22 What have we accomplished this year
Transition - Preparing Youth for College, Career and Community Living, Continued DB Summit Focus: What have we accomplished this year What we are currently working on What we are planning

23 Transition - Preparing Youth for College, Career and Community Living, Continued

24 Transition Initiative work
DB Summit Focus : Transition Institute TA Tools you can use

25 Transition Initiative Work, Continued
DB Summit Focus: Video product Electronic Boxed TA Tool

26 Transition Initiative Work, Continued
DB Summit focus : Ready Tool TA Tool you can use

27 Transition Initiative work, Continued
DB Summit Focus: Information Brief Post School outcomes survey preliminary results

28 Transition Initiative
“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together” DB Summit Focus: New York DB project ITTI collaborative partnerships New England Consortium Collaborative TA models

29 Transition Initiative
“Looking beyond the network on behalf of the network” DB Summit focus: Strengthening Partnership with HKNC Young adults with additional disabilities Accounting for DB youth exiting schools

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