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Active Learning using Adaptive Curiosity

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Presentation on theme: "Active Learning using Adaptive Curiosity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Learning using Adaptive Curiosity

2 Active Learning A classic AI approach
Algorithm finds the most informative example to use as training data.

3 Adaptive Curiosity Based on Kaplan and Oudeyer's 2004 paper
Adaptive curiosity: the ability to seek out interesting things to learn, autonomously Kaplan/ Oudeyer present a method for adaptive curiosity in their paper called IAC

4 Adaptive Curiosity Kaplan and Oudeyer's algorithm for adaptive curiosity. Measure progress made Use this experience to predict progress made Choose best option

5 Exploration and Exploitation
What is exploration? What is exploitation? The balance between them...

6 Active Learning Strategies
Stochastic model Uncertainty sampling Risk Reduction Adaptive Curiosity

7 Significance How significant is the paper?
How does it relate to developmental robotics?

8 Brief Critique No offence to Lemaire and Bondu, BUT...
That was heavy going!!!

9 Any Questions?

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