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2 Where was your first assigned seat in this class?
? ? ? Where was your first assigned seat in this class?

3 1. Memory is the brain's capacity to reconstruct and re-experience versions of past occurrences.

4 2. Selection pressures resulting in our memory system were probably related to the need to recall environment the immediate past.

5 3. Short-term memory

6 3. Short-term memory [on Activity #10 handout . . . ]
Brian Brushwood: False memory & Eyewitness Testimony [9:00, start 1:30-7:55]

7 Peter Doolittle: Working Memory
[9:30, ? start at 5:16]

8 3. Working (or short-term) memory--remembering a few items for a short period of time; this is susceptible to disruptions. e.g “the doorway effect”

9 4. Working memory strategies:
process information in the moment talk to others about it associate information with images connect the old knowledge to the new make meaning of the memory use support—charts, thinking maps, diagrams

10 Part 2: Long-term memory

11 5. Long term memory is constructed in the brain, influenced by perception, attention, and emotional state.

12 BBC documentary: Clive Wearing - The man with no short-term memory

13 6. Memories are susceptible to distortions, including:

14 a) sharpening: exaggerating, or embellishing selected characteristics of a memory

15 b) leveling: Weakening or downplaying details or selected characteristics of a memory.

16 e.g. the “Bugs Bunny effect”
c) confabulation: combining details from many memories, or making up entirely false memories that are recalled and experienced as real. e.g. the “Bugs Bunny effect” Psychology professor Elizabeth Loftus, “The Bunny Effect” [1:08]

17 Events never occur exactly the way we remember them.
6. Memory is an "unreliable reporter" when it comes to recalling past events & experiences. Events never occur exactly the way we remember them. e.g. 9/11 memories REALITY: "Everything you remember is made up." Article:


19 Memory & Experience Feats of Memory:
[20:00] Memory & Experience Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory [20:00]

20 Eyewitness testimony part 1

21 [13:00, stop at 6:30]

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