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Research in Social Work Practice Salem State University

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1 Research in Social Work Practice Salem State University
Class 3 Jeff Driskell, MSW, PhD

2 Today’s Class Check-in/announcements Lecture/activities Evaluation

3 Program Development and Evaluation

4 Program Lifecycle

5 Breaking it Down… Program Development- An ongoing, comprehensive planning process used to establish programs supported by well thought out and documented plan of action Program Implementation- The stage in the planning process where you develop procedures for carrying out program. Program Evaluation- Designed to verify, document, quantify activities and efforts. Process and outcome evaluation. Replication- Replicating evidenced-based programs.

6 Development Needs assessment
Clearly defined audience/target population Identify behavioral theory Identify behavioral domains Identify behavioral/program goals and objectives

7 Culturally Competent Program Development
Assessing needs and assets Defining the problem Clearly defined audience/target population Identification/Application of behavioral domains (theoretical concepts) Identifying goals and objectives Planning program components Using a program model/framework Staffing/training Setting

8 Implementation Select and implement behavioral interventions
Variety of teaching methods Information personalized Realistic schedule Repetition of the message Evaluation

9 Example #1- Project Enhance
Overall Goal- To reduce rates of HIV infection by 25% among HIV negative and unknown status MSM by 2010 in Boston, MA. Randomized control trial targeting HIV positive MSM involved in health care (setting) Secondary prevention (level of prevention) IMB Model (primary theoretical framework) Facilitated by Medical Social Worker (staffing) Utilizes a manual treatment approach (delivery method) Consists of 8 counseling sessions- over a 1 year period of time (Dose) Change in sexual risk behavior (outcome evaluation)

10 Project Enhance Booster, PCM & Assessment PCM & Assessment
Month 3: Month 6: Month 9: Month 12: randomized to PCM randomized to intervention Booster, PCM & Assessment PCM & Assessment PCM follow-up & Intervention Session 1 Consent, Assessment Randomization & Baseline PCM PCM follow-up PCM follow-up & Intervention Sessions 2,3 & 4

11 Culturally Competent Program Implementation
Involvement of community leaders, consumers Staff recruitment and training Responding to target population needs Addressing potential language barriers Retaining program staff Participant recruitment Monitoring of program

12 Evaluation

13 Why Conduct Evaluation?

14 Types of Evaluation Evaluation of Need Evaluation of Process
Evaluation of Efficiency- cost/benefit Evaluation of Outcome

15 Evaluation Categories: Matching Activity
Evaluation of Need Evaluation of Process Evaluation of Efficiency- cost/benefit Evaluation of Outcome Formative Summative

16 Mapping it Out…

17 Process Evaluation: The Milestone Program

18 Milestone Program Target Population- HIV infected men
Service- Prevention Case Management Evaluation type- Process Community Advisory Board (CAB)- consumer voice and input Internal vs external evaluators- Conducted by University of Washington

19 Experience with Evaluation
Evaluation at past or currently place of employment/field.

20 Activity 1: Weekly Comments
Based on the Olver (2009) article, answer the following questions: What problem is being addressed? What type of evaluation? Describe the intervention Identify data collection strategies What are the implications for practice? Policy? Research?

21 Practice Relevance: Application
Scenario: A male client in his mid 30’s approaches you as his therapist and informs you that he is interested in participating in a workshop called the Mankind Project. He is a bit ambivalent and asks what you know about it. What might you do in supporting this client? Think in terms of Evidenced based practice and evaluation. Mankind Project

22 Logic Models

23 What is a Logic Model? Based on the reading for this week… Rubin and Babbie

24 Logical Model Overview

25 Framework for Evaluation
Systems approach Inputs- What you invest Outputs- What you do and who you reach Activities Participation Outcomes/impact

26 Simplest Form INPUTS OUTPUTS OUTCOMES Participation What we invest
Activities Participation Short Medium Program investments Long-term What we invest What we do Who we reach What are the results

27 Logical Model Example

28 Fully Detailed Logic Model
Typical layout

29 Activity - Logical Model
Break it down- What elements are associated with each stage of the logic model example? Select the tobacco prevention for youth

30 Activity- Evaluation and EBP
Step 1 What is NREPP? What does NREPP provide in relation to interventions? Step 2 Identify 1 program of interest using advanced search Briefly describe the program Identify 2 key findings based on targeted outcomes (key findings)

31 Activity – Student Articles
Identify the type of research, i.e. Outcome evaluation Process evaluation Needs assessment Questions- What question(s) were the researchers trying to answer with the evaluative research? What are the study or program goals/objectives? Where the goals/objectives achieved? What are the implications for practice? Policy?

32 Application: Logic Model

33 Weekly Comments Describe what is mean by a literature review.
What is the purpose of a literature review? What strategies do Rudestam & Newton (2001) give for organizing and conducting a literature review? What is meant by the concept mixed methods design?

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