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General PhotoShop Techniques

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Presentation on theme: "General PhotoShop Techniques"— Presentation transcript:

1 General PhotoShop Techniques

2 Saving To keep what you’re working on fully editable, save as .psd (photoshop document) To be able to place your finished work on a website, must be saved as .jpg (or .png)

3 Resize/Resample

4 Image menu Image Size…

5 Units: Pixels best for web Inches for print When checked prevents resizing out of proportion – if you change width – will automatically scale height (and vice versa) For Web: 72 good choice For Print: 300

6 Cropping Choose the Crop Tool

7 Select the area you want to keep

8 Either double-click the selected area OR
Click the check-mark to complete the crop

9 Matching Tonality Between 2 Photos
If you are going to PhotoShop someone/thing into another photo, will be a better match if you first match the tonality.

10 Open both photos

11 Make this photo’s tonality match tones from other photo
Photo to Match widget.jpg bike.jpg

12 1 – Select Image to Edit 2- Image menu.. Adjustments.. Match Color…

13 Select Image you want to pull tonality from

14 Lasso Tool – Selecting an Object
Select a specific part of a photo (irregular shape)

15 Draw carefully to encircle and select
You can now Delete or Copy and paste onto another photo

16 Content-Aware Fill Will guess based on rest of photo what is behind the object you delete
Hit Delete when have an object/section selected. Will be asked if you want Content-Aware fill of just want to show background.

17 Default value is Content-Aware
Other choices – will show solid color through area

18 Sometimes works better than other – but this isn’t too bad

19 Eraser Tools Used to cleanup edges

20 Selects areas of similar color and deletes them with single click
Scrub over to erase areas manually – will only erase currently selected layer Selects areas of similar color and deletes them with single click Can make more or less tolerant of differences in color

21 Before After cleaning edges

22 Blur/Smudge/Sharpen If edge of added object is very clear/obvious – can smooth it out so not as obvious Apply around edges

23 After blurring/smudging edges
Before After blurring/smudging edges

24 Blur/Smudge/Sharpen If edge of added object is very clear/obvious – can smooth it out so not as obvious Apply around edges

25 After blurring/smudging edges
Before After blurring/smudging edges

26 Apply Effects/Filters to Whole Composite Image

27 Highlight Right-Click Merge Layers Merge the Layers

28 Try some Light Blurs – Use low values to doesn’t get too blurry

29 Apply Photo Filter Over Whole Thing
Mess with Settings


31 Basic Rule: No Rules: Try out other adjustments until it looks like you want

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