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Reflective Practice ·   has an active concern with aims and consequences, as well as means and technical efficiency ·   is applied in a cyclical or spiralling.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflective Practice ·   has an active concern with aims and consequences, as well as means and technical efficiency ·   is applied in a cyclical or spiralling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflective Practice ·   has an active concern with aims and consequences, as well as means and technical efficiency ·   is applied in a cyclical or spiralling process, in which teachers monitor, evaluate and revise their own practice continuously ·   requires competence in methods of classroom enquiry (gathering data, analysis, evaluation) to support the development of teaching competence ·   requires attitudes of open-mindedness, responsibility and wholeheartedness ·   is based on teacher judgement which is informed partly by self-reflection and partly by insights from educational disciplines ·   is enhanced through collaboration and dialogue with colleagues

2 What is Reflection? Reflection involves "a state of doubt, hesitation, perplexity, or mental difficulty, in which thinking originates". This uncertainty is followed by the act of searching to find materials that will resolve this doubt and settle the perplexity (Dewey, 1933)… Learning is about change resulting from experience and reflecting on what we have learned and how we have changed

3 Six Stages of Reflection
1. The experience itself – learning… 2. The Description of the experience… 3. The Interpretation of the experience from which we draw meaning… 4. Generalising from the experience… 5. Applying the lessons from the experience… 6. Presentation based on reflection.

4 What is Learning? Working in groups of 3 –4, consider what you consider constitutes learning. Attempt a definition… Log this on to flip-chart, IAW, post-its etc., and feedback

5 Definition Learning The emphasis is on change through experience is reflected in one of the most familiar models of learning proposed by Kolb (1984): Files/Theory Pages/3brains.htm

6 Using Kolb to Reflect Concrete Experience = DOING
Reflective Observation = REFLECTING Abstract Conceptualisation = EVALUATING: inductive & deductive Active Experimentation = LEARNING

7 Definition Learning Learning = any relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience: change in behaviour relatively permanent result of experience

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