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SRVUMC 2017 Budget.

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1 SRVUMC 2017 Budget

2 SRVUMC 2017 Budget 2016 Budget 2017 Budget Difference Pledge Receipts
968,000 942,000 -26,000 Identified Giver 110,000 125,000 15,000 Loose Plate 10,000 Pledge/Giving 1,088,000 1,077,000 -11,000 Preschool Donation 20,000 Use of Facility 5,000 12,500 7,500 Misc./Other 450 700 250 Transfer from CCRF 35,000 Total Non-Program 25,450 68,200 42,750 Total Income 1,113,450 1,145,200 31,750

3 SRVUMC 2017 Budget Pledges HH Count % of HH’s 2017 Amount 2016 Amount
Diff % Change Increase 91 41% 505,388 418,706 86,682 +21% Decrease 23 10% 95,760 160,540 -64,780* -40% Same as 2016 78 36% 275,400 New Pledges 29 13% 65,490 Total 221** 942,038 Pledge numbers as of 2/16/17 * - 56% of this decrease was 1 HH ** - HH count in 2016 was 228

4 SRVUMC 2017 Budget 2016 Budget 2017 Difference Appointed Staff 388,214
297,775 -90,439 Non-appointed Staff 397,808 505,763 107,955 Total Staff 786,022 803,538 17,516 Apportionments 109,300 108,950 -350 Office 50,000 52,000 2,000 Operating 153,000 Programs 30,800 37,450 6,650 Total 1,129,122 1,154,938 25,816

5 SRVUMC 2017 Budget Appointed Staff (2 positions)
Difference Appointed Staff 388,214 297,775 -90,439 Appointed Staff (2 positions) Appointed staff increases to take affect in July Sunny’s departure had a positive impact of $110K Difference between Sunny’s impact ($110K) and the $90K above is Healthcare and Compensation increases for Ron & Luke

6 SRVUMC 2017 Budget 2016 Budget 2017 Difference Non-Appointed Staff 397,808 505,763 107,955 Non-Appointed Staff (total 18 positions not including childcare staff) Office Mgr., Facilities Mgr., Finance Administrator, Director of Youth Ministries, Director of Children’s Ministries, Membership & Missions Dir., Communications Dir., Messenger Editor, Nursery Staff Music Director, Organist, Contemporary Worship Personnel, Directors or Youth and Children’s Choirs $107K difference is result of hiring of Tawfick Fayed, healthcare for Coreen, and salary pool increase for including FICA, Workers Comp and Pension expense

7 SRVUMC 2017 Budget Apportionments Payment is 10% of Income
2016 Budget 2017 Difference Apportionments 109,300 108,950 -350 Apportionments Payment is 10% of Income Included in income are all gifts (Pledge, ID Giver and Loose Plate) plus facility rental income. Other income including Preschool proceeds and Transfers from Funds are considered internal and not included. We will pay at 100% with no holdback

8 SRVUMC 2017 Budget Office Increases Decreases
2016 Budget 2017 Difference Office 50,000 52,000 2,000 Office Increases Office Services/Contracts (+7,000) for new Church management software Decreases Office equipment (-1,000) Office Supplies (-3,000) Worship Committee Supplies (-1,000)

9 SRVUMC 2017 Budget Property Increases Decreases
2016 Budget 2017 Difference Operating 153,000 Property Increases Janitorial Supplies (+500), Insurance – Liability & Casualty (+2,000) Decreases Routine Maintenance (-2,500)

10 SRVUMC 2017 Budget Programs Increases Decrease
2016 Budget 2017 Difference Programs 30,800 37,450 6,650 Programs Increases Youth (+1,000), Missions Council (+2,000), Hospitality (+500), Outreach (+3,000), Strategic Plan (+3,500) Decrease Music (-2,100 –- payroll related expense moved to N/A Staff), Children (-1,500 – estimated 2,000 increase in VBS revenue to offset expense including for Tot Spot operational)

11 SRVUMC 2017 Budget 2016 Budget 2017 Budget Total Income 1,113,450 1,145,200 Total Expenses 1,129,122 1,154,938 Surplus/(Deficit) -15,672 -9,738 The following actions were taken to reduce the preliminary 2017 budget deficit from $44,738 to a more reasonable amount of $9,738: Transfers from Designated Funds Approx. $30,000 from Endowment – the undesignated portion. The distribution typically goes to the Church Council Reserve Fund (CCRF) An additional $5,000 from CCRF balances

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