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Patient no 45 (Recent Updates)

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1 Patient no 45 (Recent Updates)
A 32 years old female has an adenexal mass for which she is undergoing surgery. Her OVA1 panel was carried out to assess the risk of malignancy (from a QUEST Lab USA). The result was: OVA1 Score: 6.2 What is the probability of presence of malignancy in this woman (Low or high) Name FIVE biochemical tumour markers which are included in OVA1 panel. High Two are up regulated (CA 125 II, beta 2 microglobulin) and three down regulated (transferrin, transthyretin, apolipoprotein A1 Ref No 10 Serum biomarkers for evaluation of an adnexal mass for epithelial carcinoma of the ovary, fallopian tube, or peritoneum 2015

2 Panels of Ovarian Tumour Markers
OVA-1 : Includes Five Tumour markers (previous slide) The Risk of Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA) includes CA 125 and HE4 (>150pmol/l) Risk of malignancy index (RMI) combines serum CA 125, pelvic ultrasound, and menopausal status into an index score to predict the risk of ovarian cancer in women with an adnexal mass. It is primarily used in the UK.

3 Patient no 46 Meigs Syndrome
A 46 years old female is a known patient of ovarian fibroma. She presented with abdominal distension and dyspnoea for the last one week. Clinical Examination of the abdomen shows presence of free- flowing fluid in the peritoneal cavity. X-Ray chest shows bilateral pleural effusion. Her ascitic and pleural fluids were aspirated. Some of biochemical findings were: Serum Albumin: g /L Ascitic Fluid Albumin: g/L Pleural Fluid Albumin: g/L Serum LD: U/L Pleural Fluid LD: U/L What is the most probable diagnosis? Classify ascites and pleural effusion on the basis of these findings. Meigs Syndrome High-grade ascites and transudative pleural effusion Ref No 2 Meigs Syndrome: Background, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology. Medscape Reference © 2011 WebMD, LLC

4 Meigs Syndrome A triad of benign ovarian tumor with ascites and pleural effusion that resolves after resection of the tumor is called Meigs Syndrome. Ovarian fibromas constitute the majority of the benign tumors seen in Meigs syndrome. It is a diagnosis of exclusion only after ovarian carcinoma is ruled out. Irritation of the peritoneal surface, direct pressure on surrounding lymphatics or vessels, hormonal stimulation, and tumor torsion are some of the speculative mechanisms proposed to cause accumulation of fluid.

5 Evaluation of female infertility
Patient no 47 A 42 years old female has been referred to you by a Fertility Clinic for assessment of ovarian reserve before planning an ICSI procedure. The results of her hormonal tests were as following: Day 3 of Regular Menstrual Cycle: FSH : 8 mIU/ml Oestradiole: 67 pg/ml Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test Day 3 FSH: 9.6 mIU/ml Day 10 FSH: 10.9 mIU/ml Day 3 Oestradiol: 71 pg/ml  What is your opinion about the Ovarian Reserves in this patient? Name one lab test that will be helpful in confirmation of the diagnoiss. Good ovarian reserve Anti mullarian Hormone (AMH). Ref No 5 Evaluation of female infertility 2015

6 Assessment of Ovarian Reserve
Chemical Pathologist may be required to carry out investigations related to ovarian reserve. These patients are referred from Fertility Clinics for selection of patients for procedure like ICSI. The tests done are : Day 3 FSH (should be <10 mIU/ml) and oestradiol (< 80 pg/ml) Similar values after Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test AMH is an excellent marker of ovarian reserve. AMH >1.0 ng/mL but <3.5 ng/mL suggests a good response to stimulation

7 PFD for Patient No 5 A lower value of FSH indicates good ovarian reserve but why Oestradiol should also be < 80 pg/ml (not > 80 pg/ml).

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