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Administrative Team Mr. Michael McDonald Principal

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Presentation on theme: "Administrative Team Mr. Michael McDonald Principal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrative Team Mr. Michael McDonald Principal
Dr. Jasmine Ervins Dean of Instruction Mr. W. Keith Petty Associate Principal (P-Z) Ms. LaTisha Griffin Assistant Principal (A-G) Mr. Ronald Pugh Assistant Principal (H-O)

2 Counseling Staff Ms. Bonnie Baker (College & Career)
Ms. Salillian McDaniel (A-E) Mrs. Kimberly Burns (F-Le) Dr. Jacqueline Rodgers (Li-Ro) Ms. Karima Powers (Ru-Z)

3 Ms. Gloria Lilly, RN Ms. Shantel Morris, RN
Nurses Ms. Gloria Lilly, RN Ms. Shantel Morris, RN

4 Cedar Hill High School 2016-2017
CHAMPS Cedar Hill High School

5 Our Goals Provide a brief overview of CHAMPs
Identify your specific classroom activities Identify the behavioral expectations (the C-H-A-M-P) for each activity and decide how you will display them in your classroom Review the Behavior-Response Menu Complete and submit your Classroom Management and Discipline Plan

6 The CHAMPs Acronym Conversation: Can students talk to each other during this activity/transition? Help: How can students ask questions during the activity? How do they get your attention? Activity: What is the task/objective of this activity: What is the expected end product? Movement: Can students move about during this activity? Participation: What does appropriate student work behavior for this activity look / sound like?

7 The acronym C - Conversation H - help A - activity M - movement
P - Participation S- Success

8 Our Goals Provide a brief overview of CHAMPs
Identify your specific classroom activities Identify the behavioral expectations (the C-H-A-M-P) for each activity and decide how you will display them in your classroom Review the Behavior-Response Menu Complete and submit your Classroom Management and Discipline Plan

9 What Does it Look Like……………..

10 PBIS Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Purpose The purpose for PBIS is to create and sustain a positive school community where everyone feels respected, understands their responsibilities, and experiences success in all school environments. Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports PBIS The school community is inside and outside the classroom, ( hallways, cafeteria , gym all common areas

11 Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Purpose As a result of implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports at Cedar Hill Hugh School, it will: Create a positive school culture Acknowledge positive behavior Implement clear and consistent expectations for staff and students regarding behavior Have ALL staff responsible for all children at all times Strengthen family relationships Use data to guide our decision-making process Reduce the amount of office referrals Increase instructional time and higher levels of academic achievement. Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

12 Teach Your Expectations
Teach the Expectation Before Activity Before Transition Observe Student Behavior Circulate in the Power Zone Visually scan Provide Feedback During activity After the activity Begin the cycle again for the next activity!

13 On the LONGHORN………….. The LONGHORN must be covered during ALL transition times! Weekly the hallway that has done well will be rewarded!


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