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Believe in Human Kindness Peace Morality

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Presentation on theme: "Believe in Human Kindness Peace Morality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Believe in Human Kindness Peace Morality
Hebrews Old Testament Worship One God Believe in Human Kindness Peace Morality

2 The Views of the Hebrews
has influenced: Christianity Judaism Islam

3 Wonders from the ancient city of Ur People without a country.
**Hibiru** Wonders from the ancient city of Ur (around 1950 BCE) People without a country.

4 Hebrew thought of themselves as the
“Chosen People”

5 Old Testament

6 Hebrews Scriptures Written by many authors
Written between 1000 BCE and 150 BCE Has 39 books

7 The Old testament tells:
How Israel becomes a Nation. How it inherited the Promised land. Contains the story of the creation.

8 It includes Rules of the land.
Religious behavior, Legend, History, Poetry, Prophecy and Visions.

9 Palestine (at the time of Jesus)
The land promised was: Canaan (ancient name) Land of Milk and Honey Palestine (at the time of Jesus) Israel

10 From the ancient city of Ur
Abraham 1950 B.C. From the ancient city of Ur Married to Sarah and was wealthy Sent to the “Promised Land” Ended up in Egypt for a while

11 Abraham means: Father of many Nations

12 His first son was from Hagar,
Abraham His first son was from Hagar, (Sarah Handmaiden). His name was Ishmael

13 Isaac is born! Isaac means laughter Sarah is 90 Abraham is 100

14 Isaac is around 30 years of age
The Ultimate Test Abraham is asked to sacrifice Isaac Isaac is around 30 years of age


16 Isaac

17 Isaac marries Rebecca and has twin sons Esau Jacob

18 The birthright goes to the first born of the first wife.
In some cases this has been changed.

19 Jacob

20 Jacob Marries Leah & Rachel Leah’s handmaiden Bilhah
Rachel handmaiden Zilpah

21 Sons of Jacob #3 Levi #4 Judah #1 Rueben #9 Issachar
By Leah #1 Rueben #9 Issachar #2 Simeon #10 Zebulon #3 Levi #4 Judah

22 Rachel dies in childbirth
Jacob’s sons By Rachel #11 Joseph #12 Benjamin Rachel dies in childbirth with Benjamin

23 Bilhah #5 Dan #6 Naphtali Zilpah #7 Gad #8 Asher Jacob sons by:

24 Jacob was instructed to change his name to Israel.

25 The Hebrews are now called the

26 Joseph

27 Was a favored son Had a gift for interpret dreams. Received from his father a Coat of Many Colors

28 Sold into slavery by his brothers.
Ended up in Egypt Sold to Potaphar a wealthy administrator in Egypt

29 At the time Jacob and his family entered Egypt it was a place
of Stability.

30 Canaan was a battlefield
Canaan was a battlefield. And Jacob’s family needed a stable place to grow and develop. These people needed to remain a pure race to reap the benefits of the Abrahamic promise.


32 Land was divided amongst 11 tribes
Land was divided amongst 11 tribes. The tribe of Levi was not assigned a territory. Later his lineage would be given the priesthood. Levi played a roll in guarding and serving the tabernacle

33 Joseph was taken out of the territory and in his place his two sons are named:
Ephraim And Manasseh

34 For hundreds of years the Israelites waited for one man to free them from the bondage of Egypt so they once again could return to the: "Promised Land"

35 The Israelites remained in Egypt for around 430 years
The Israelites remained in Egypt for around 430 years. They were a people who were under bondage.

36 The Man they waited for was:
Moses From the Tribe of Levi -


38 1200 BCE Leaves Egypt to understand his peoples God
Returns to Egypt to free his people

39 600,000

40 Sinai


42 After settling back into the “Promised land” the Israelites wanted to be like everyone else and have a king!

43 Samuel the Prophet finally appointed Saul as the First King of the Israelites.
The People were warned against having a King

44 Saul He was of the tribe of Benjamin, Tall, handsome and humble, Saul began his reign with a brilliant victory over the Ammonites. 1049 BC to 1009 BC

45 David From the Tribe of Judah


47 Goliath Gath the traditional home of Goliath גָּלְיָת : جالوت ,

48 Saul and David

49 King : 1007 BCE – 967 BCE

50 David makes Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel.


52 Gregory Peck Susan Hayworth David and Bathsheba

53 Michelangelo's David

54 Solomon

55 The Bible accredits Solomon
as the builder of the First Temple in Jerusalem, and portrays him as great in wisdom, wealth, and power. Solomon is the subject of many other later references and legends.


57 The best of supplies were used to build the Temple


59 Also known as the Wailing Wall
Western Wall Also known as the Wailing Wall


61 What is left of Solomon’s Temple

62 King Solomon died in 931 BC

63 In 930 BC two Hebrew Kingdoms existed.
To the North was known as Israel The South--Judah

64 The Hebrews left a strong believe system that has effected people throughout history.

65 is a God of Social Justice
One of the ideas that has been passed on is: Jehovah-- the Hebrew God is a God of Social Justice

66 Is a God of Infinite power and love
A God who could be reached by his Worshippers. Is a God of Infinite power and love

67 There is an enduring relationship between God and his people
Jehovah is a God who’s relationship to his people was that of a loving father. There is an enduring relationship between God and his people

68 Contributions of the Hebrews

69 Bible History / Lineage Monotheism- Believe in One God Teaches that man can Progress


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