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Sweet Tooth Gang.

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Presentation on theme: "Sweet Tooth Gang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sweet Tooth Gang

2 Table of Contents. role of responsibilities Target Market
The future demand curve The future supply curve

3 Everones responsibilities as a group

4 Purpose and Responsibilities
To apply and use all marketing principles concepts taught during this course in a real world scenario To create and develop a product. This will include a marketing plan, excel documents, research, PowerPoint, and other things. Company must have a name, purpose/mission, product or service, management structure, and/or other components of a marketing plan.

5 Our Candy Target Market
The nation's candy makers are targeting fitness enthusiasts seeking to boost athletic performance or quickly grab a jolt of energy We also get little kids to take vitamins by making them candy such as gummy bears and gum. We also do catering for parties/Birthday parties and special occasions.


7 The Slope of the Supply Curve


9 Cited page

10 Types of candy Candy bars Chocolate Taffy Gum Gummy bears Lollypops
Mints White chocolate smarties


12 Team Members Billy Woolard Da’Neiseya Kelly Jasmine De’jon Broussard

13 Our positions Da’Neiseya Kelly: Art/graphics
Billy Woolard- tech guy/seller/president Da’Neiseya Kelly: Art/graphics Jasmine : CEO/seller/manager De’jon Broussard/vice president/seller

14 What we sell Candy bars- $1.00 Chocolate - Taffy- 50 Gum- 25
Gummy bears- 50 Lollypops- 25 Mints- 10 White chocolate- 1.00 Smarties- 10 Catering- $50


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