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Defective Ramsey Numbers

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1 Defective Ramsey Numbers
Tınaz Ekim Boğaziçi University Istanbul, Turkey Joint work with J. Gimbel and A. Akdemir

2 Overview Defective Ramsey numbers Defective cocolorings Definitions
Tableaux with best known LB and UB Defective cocolorings Parameter ck(m) LB and UB on ck(m): generalized Straight’s formula Computation of c0(4) , c1(3), c2(2) by efficient graph generation methods CanaDAM - June 2013

3 Ramsey Numbers R(a,b) is the minimum integer n such that all graphs with n vertices have either an a-clique or a b-independent set as an induced subgraph a,b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 18 23 28 36 40–43 25 35–41 49–61 56–84 73–115 92–149 43–49 58–87 80–143 101–216 125–316 143–442 102–165 113–298 127–495 169–780 179–1171 205–540 216–1031 233–1713 289–2826 282–1870 317–3583 ≤ 6090 565–6588 580–12677 798–23556 CanaDAM - June 2013

4 k-dense and k-sparse sets
A set S of vertices in G is k-sparse if S induces a graph with maximum degree at most k. k-defective coloring Ex: 2-sparse A set S is k-dense if S induces a k-sparse graph in the complement of G. Ex: 2-dense k-sparse or k-dense k-defective set CanaDAM - June 2013

5 Defective Ramsey Numbers
Rk(a, b) : min integer n such that all graphs of order n contain either a k-dense a-set or a k-sparse b-set. Rk(a, b) R(a, b) Cockayne and Mynhardt , 1999 (1-dependent R. N.): R1(3,j)=j ; R1(4, 4) =6 ; R1(4, 5) =9 ; R1(4, 6) = 11 ; R1(4, 7) = 16 ; R1(4, 8) = 17 ; R1 (5, 5) = 15 E. and Gimbel, 2011  R2(5, 5) =7 Chappell and Gimbel, 2011  R2(5, 6) =8 computer many more values with all extremal graphs CanaDAM - June 2013

6 LB and UB on Rk(a, b) Chappell and Gimbel, 2011: CanaDAM - June 2013

7 Best LB and UB - 1 Recursively compute best known LB and UB on Rk(a, b) Improve the LB, if possible, by a random graph generator ( a graph of order LB with no k-dense a-set or k-sparse b-set  LB LB+1) CanaDAM - June 2013

8 Best LB and UB - 2 CanaDAM - June 2013

9 Best LB and UB - 3 CanaDAM - June 2013

10 Best LB and UB - 4 CanaDAM - June 2013

11 Best LB and UB No time limit restriction to enlarge the tables in terms of a, b and k. But the improvement algo stops after 8 hours. There are in total 55 improvements. Highest improvement is obtained for R2(10,10) by increasing LB by 9. Links of Rk(i, j) with defective cocolorings CanaDAM - June 2013

12 Defective Cocolorings
z(G): min # of independent sets and cliques partitioning V zk(G): min # of k-defective sets partitioning V ck(m): max n s.t. all n-graphs has a k-defective m-cocoloring (zk (G)  m for all n-graphs G) Straight, 1980: c0(2)=4 c0(3)=8 c0(4){11,12} Every 11-graphs G has z0(G)4 since it contains either a 3-clique or a 3-independent set by R(3,3) = 6 and the remaining graph on 8 vertices needs at most 3 colors as c0(3) = 8. Since R(4,4)=18  13-graph G with no 4-clique and 4-independent set z0(G)=5 CanaDAM - June 2013

13 Generalized Straight’s formula
c1(2)=7 (E. and Gimbel, 2011) R1(4; 4) =6  1 color for 4 vertices Remaining 3 vertices are 1-defective.  c1(2)7 There is an 8-graph with z1(G)=3  c1(2)=7 CanaDAM - June 2013

14 Applications of Generalized Straigth’s formula (E. and Gimbel, 2011 )
c1(3) 11 (and c1(3) 15 ) R1(4; 4) =6  1 color for 4 vertices c1(2)=7  remaining 7 vertices needs 2 colors Is there a 12-graph s.t. z1 (G)=4? c2(2)  9 (and c2(2)  13) R2(5; 5) =7  1 color for 5 vertices Remaining 4 vertices are 2-defective Is there a 10-graph s.t. z2(G)=3? CanaDAM - June 2013

15 Computer aided search c1(3) 11 Is there a 12-graph s.t. z1 (G)=4?
IDEA: Generate all 12-graphs with 1-defective cochromatic number 4, if any. If the algo returns no graph at all, it means that all 12-graphs has z1 (G)3 then c1(3) 12. Use a random graph generator to generate a 13-graph with z1 (G)=4 (verified by the checks embedded in the previous algo), if any CanaDAM - June 2013

16 Eliminate before generating!
graphs of order 12 + check if 1-defectively 3-cocolorable ( configurations to check for each 12-graph) Generation of 12-graphs with 1-def. cochromatic number 4: No 1-def. 5-set since c1(2)=7 R1(4; 4) =6  1-def. 4-set Remaining 8 vertices  1-def. 4-set Remaining 4 vertices not 1-defective Generate all graphs (if any) s.t. 1-def 4-set + 1-def 4-set + not 1-def 4-set Not containing 1-def 5-set Check if they can be partitioned into three 1-def 4-sets CanaDAM - June 2013

17 c0(4)=12 (Akdemir and E., 2013) 21 days All 12-graphs are 4-cocolorable  13-graph with z(G)=5 CanaDAM - June 2013

18 c1(3)=12 (Akdemir and E., 2013) 5 days All 12-graphs are 1-defectively 3-cocolorable  13-graph with z1(G)=4 CanaDAM - June 2013

19 c2(2)=10 (Akdemir and E., 2013) 7 hours All 10-graphs are 2-defectively 2-cocolorable  11-graph with z2(G)=3 CanaDAM - June 2013

20 k-defective cocritical graphs
CanaDAM - June 2013

21 Open questions Improve LB for Rk(a, b)
Theoretical proofs for c0(4) , c1(3), c2(2) Other exact values for ck(m): c0(5){14,15} 16  c2(3) 22 12  c3(2) 17 Defective Ramsey Numbers and ck(m) in restricted graph classes. CanaDAM - June 2013

22 Thank you for your attention!
CanaDAM - June 2013

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