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Curriculum Night Junior Kindergarten

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1 Curriculum Night 2017-2018 Junior Kindergarten
Learning Through Inquiry "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.“ B. F. Inquiry implies involvement that leads to understanding. Furthermore, involvement in learning implies developing and possessing skills and attitudes that permit you to seek answers to questions while you construct new knowledge. What Will We Learn? During our units of inquiry, students will develop an understanding of key concepts through the lines of inquiry. The lines of inquiry will be our guide into what we will explore throughout the unit. Teacher questions are presented before the student questions to help prompt and inspire students’ curiosity regarding the topic. Throughout the course of the year, our units of inquiry will cover all core subjects. Learning through play is an important part of early childhood. Developing social skills, exploring curiosity and experimentation are all things gained through play. Structured play and free play are part of our daily schedules. Concept-based Learning Concept-based learning is about big transferable ideas. The world and all its knowledge and information are constantly changing but concepts remain the same. Concept-based learning frames factual content and skills with disciplinary concepts. The IB Key Concepts Form:  What is it like? Function:  How does it work? Causation: Why is it the way it is? Change: How does it change? Connection: How is it connected to other things? Perspective: What are the major points of view? Responsibility: What is our/my responsibility? Reflection: How do we know?

2 IB Attitudes & Learner Profile
Mme Katie and I have teamed up this year, to provide two extra specialized classes. Mme Katie will be doing a weekly Yoga class with both kinder groups. I will be doing a weekly STEM challenge with both Kinder groups. Math To develop the foundation for Mathematics, we use a combination of Math Their Way and Défi Maths. Math Their Way uses a discovery and exploration process, with concrete materials, to develop skills in addition, subtraction, pattern recognition, measurement, and other fundamental skills. Défi Maths is a concept building program; placing value on understanding mathematical concepts. How Will We Know What We Have Learned? Self-evaluations, checklists, rubrics and anecdotal records with reference to the IB Subject Continuums, allows us to follow up on the learning going on throughout the units. Formative assessment is interwoven with daily learning throughout the unit. Summative assessment occurs at the end of the unit and provides students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and demonstrate what they have learned. Throughout the year, students will work on their portfolio, the portfolio will serve as an informal way to track progress as well as a way to document learning. French Raconte-moi l’alphabet is a resource used to develop basic French sounds and reinforce letter recognition as well as develop proper letter formation. This program is used in addition to the creative writing and language activities done in class and during our Units of Inquiry. IB Attitudes & Learner Profile Appreciation, Independence, Commitment, Curiosity, Tolerance, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Respect, Integrity, Empathy, Cooperation, Confidence Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Thinker, Communicator, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-taker, Balanced, Reflective Our Class Blog The blog’s purpose is for students and parents to revisit some of the activities they have done in class as well as for parents to be up-to-date with what’s happening at school. In addition, there is a music tab for your child to be able to listen to some of the songs we learn in class and get further exposure to the French language!

3 Please feel free to email me with any questions, comments or concerns.
Uniforms Please make sure your child is dressed in the AcadeCap uniform, has a pair of indoor and outdoor shoes and has the appropriate gear for the changing weather. Other Disciplines and Specialists Science and the Humanities are part of the daily inquiry and are covered during the units that carry that specific subject focus. In Physical Education with Mme Cecilia, students will have the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills as well as engage in cooperative games and learn different skills related to Phys.Ed. In addition, a Jiu Jitsu takes place every Wednesday. The Arts Students will explore common tools and materials used in art. They will learn that art is a means of expression and will explore a variety of different art forms. They will use their creativity to create all sorts of artistic masterpieces! JK students will have a formal art class with Mme Cecilia once per week In music with Mme Marta, students will learn to play the violin. They will listen to classical pieces and learn to identify the sounds of different instruments. They will work on rhythm and explore a variety of other instruments. A literacy rich environment gives our students the confidence to explore language to the fullest. Library periods, reading buddies and a variety of storytelling activities will help foster a love of reading as well as build upon our French and English vocabulary. How Best Will We Learn? Each student will be involved in their learning through questioning and discussion. Their questions will drive the inquiry and their input into ‘how best might we learn’ will determine the activities and projects we do. Please feel free to me with any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you, Nora Ibrahim

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