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Portfolio AITSL Standards

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1 Portfolio AITSL Standards
Aileen Hann ECP120 Second Semester 2014

2 Professional Knowledge
Standard 1 Professional Knowledge 1.Know the students and how they learn

3 1.2 understand how students learn
This is my first time on the job placement in the McRitchie Kindergarten. The Early Years Learning Framework is used as the guiding framework for educators in planning the learning for the children in the centre. It is a play based approach, where children learn through play in all activities. The form of learning may be explicit where the students are given the opportunity to explore and discover. A good example of this activity is the chance to observe the silkworm on how they live. page 1

4 Continued…. Staff get to know about each student and their interests, as well as observations and activities from the moment they first start kindergarten, to plan learning for each individual as well as whole groups. The way each child learns is also determined so learning can developed to support these ways of learning. This learning also includes incidental learning where opportunities for learning are included that are both formal and informal, whenever teachable moments arise.

5 Professional Knowledge
Standard 1 Professional Knowledge 2. Know the content and how to teach it

6 2.5 literacy and numeracy strategies
The content for my lesson plans are all based on literacy and numeracy. The activities I made included from reading the story, acting out, and singing songs that are literacy based. Also, the counting from 1-10 and vice versa are all numeracy based programs. The activities I made were engaging and easy to follow and understand. A reading of the book, storytelling, and interaction had been used for the activities. Other activities in the centre were based on literacy and numeracy, from puzzles, games, books and making of the play dough.

7 Continued…. It is essential to fully understand the rationale of each lesson plan to specifically maximise the learning’s of the children. As my mentor had informed, she had recently attended an overview from the DECS about the Leading Numeracy Improvement. This aims to improve the numeracy at an early age of the children. It is essential to know the content of curriculum areas; frameworks such as the EYLF, and National Standards, to ensure content covered is relevant and essential to support children’s learning. It is equally important to know the best way to support children’s learning, by knowing how to teach it successfully.

8 Professional Practice
Standard 2 Professional Practice 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

9 3.3 Select and use resources
My weekly plans were presented to the mentor before teaching my lesson plans. The mentor gave advice which is best applicable. I had given her feedback from time to time to monitor my progress. A one focus rationale in every lesson plan is being used in order to meet the target of the learning’s of the children. Planning for and implementing effective teaching and learning’s can include the selection and use of resources such as stories and props that I had used. A good example is my goldilocks story which used invaluable resources such as the mask that gives the children opportunities to listen to the story, as well as practice words & voice.

10 Professional Practice
Standard 2 Professional Practice 4. Create an maintain supportive and safe learning environments

11 4.1 Support Student participation
I worked according to the McRitchie Kindergarten policies and procedures. These included the following: hot weather policy, use of sun screens, evacuation procedure (re-evaluate), morning and afternoon roll calls, information about allergies of the child being posted, mopping of water spills in toilet and provided with wet floor signs, safety signs, sign in and out sheet. Also, the materials used in the kindergarten activities are all safe to use. I interacted and helped the children with their day to day activities. Finally, all children are treated equal and respected regardless of their cultures, abilities and capabilities. As with the staff, there is collaboration and support with one another.

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