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Towards defining translation

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1 Towards defining translation

2 As discussed earlier, translations theorists have not yet reached a consensus on the definition of translation. Translation refers to all the processes and methods used to render and/or transfer the meaning of the source language text into the target language as accurately as possible, using: words/phrases which already have a direct equivalent in Arabic language; new words or terms for which no ready-made equivalents are available in Arabic;

3 foreign words or terms written in Arabic letters as pronounced in their native origin; and
foreign words or terms made to fit Arabic pronunciation, spelling and grammar.

4 Examples Method SL TL 1 Speak يتكلم 2 Satellite قمر اصطناعي 3 Aspirin
اسبيرين 4 Democracy ديمقراطية

5 What Do We Translate? We translate neither grammar, words, style nor sounds. What then? MEANING.

6 What is meaning??? the thing one intends to convey especially by language; The lexical meaning of a word or lexical unit may be thought of as the specific value it has in a particular linguistic system and the 'personality' it acquires through usage within that system.

7 Types of meaning Propositional: results from a word and its referent relation. This meaning has truth value) (True x False), Shirt is a cloth worn on the upper part of the body. It is not worn on the foot. expressive meaning (expressing feelings or attitudes with no truth value), Don't complain and Don't whinge

8 presupposed meaning (depends on co-occurrence between words)
Example: Collocations: break the law in English but contradict the law in Arabic

9 evoked meaning (arising from dialect and register).
Example: Geographical (e.g. a Scottish dialect, or American as opposed to British English: the difference between lift and elevator (US);

10 Meaning is a complicated network of language components comprised of: Syntax (grammar), Vocabulary (words), Style, and Phonology (sounds).

11 meaning is the product of the different components of language taken together, occurring in a certain type of text and context, and directed to a certain kind of readership.

12 When we translate, we do not translate English grammar into Arabic, we account for its role in shaping meaning, making it either easier or more difficult to understand and, hence, translate.

13 With few exceptions, we translate meaning, nothing else but meaning.
anything not relevant to meaning is usually disregarded in translation (except for certain texts like poetry where sound/prosodic features are sometimes more important than meaning).

14 meaning is the product of words, grammar, style and sounds.

15 How Do We Translate? Methods of Translation The Process of Translation.

16 Next class Methods with examples

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