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Making energy policy: Toward a Framework of analysis

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1 Making energy policy: Toward a Framework of analysis
Peter Z. Grossman Lorna A. Greening USAEE Meeting, Tulsa, OK – October 24, 2016

2 Goal To find a way of analyzing the policy process – specifically with respect to energy policy--worldwide The process of energy policymaking Confronts varied constraints – physical, social, legal Policy as response to shocks Grossman 2015

3 Role of theories & Models of the Policy process
Focus on 4 theories Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) Punctuated Equilibrium Multiple Streams Social Construction Many others



6 Why they put this paper in this session
Example: nuclear power policy How/why did nuclear power policy change (or not) in Germany, France, Japan? Precipitating events Oil crisis of 1973 Nuclear plant disasters Looking at commonalities, differences in how Why did Germany react strongly to Chernobyl but France and Japan did not? Why was the reaction in Germany stronger with respect to Fukushima than it was in Japan?

7 What next? Need to work on the framework to encompass more of the common issues in energy policy Need more careful, full analytic examples Both of these toward… A book on policymaking around the world (in progress)

8 Many thanks Comments. Suggestions welcome
Energy shocks, crises and the policy process: A review of theory and Application Vol. 77, 2015

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