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West Coast Rock Lobster Annual Management Meetings 2016

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Presentation on theme: "West Coast Rock Lobster Annual Management Meetings 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 West Coast Rock Lobster Annual Management Meetings 2016

2 Background Management focus for 2016 and beyond TACC setting
Weight of evidence - scope for increasing TACC Summary of Management arrangements implemented in 2016

3 Pot specifications Updating and simplifying specifications outlined under schedule 13 of the FRMR Pot type Current dimensions Amended Beehive Stick and/or cane Diameter - 975mm Height – 470mm (measured externally) Other material Diameter – 925mm Height – 420mm (measured internally) Width – no more than 1m Height – no more than 50cm Batten Length – 915mm Width – 800mm base width or 540mm top width Internal volume Must not be greater than 0.257mᵌ NA Following consultation (WRLC and Recfishwest) the Minister for Fisheries approved Also included in simplification is requirements around escape gaps and materials of construction

4 Proposed Plan amendments
Approved Landing Areas (ALAs) ALAs not used in last three years or that pose potential OHS risk are proposed to be removed from the Plan Potential inclusion of Augusta Marina and Big Pigeon as ALAs Amendments currently subject to consultation – implemented within 6 months if industry in agreement

5 Proposed Plan amendments
Pot storage areas Removal of pot storage areas as it is obsolete and no longer required Holding areas Amend schedule 12 to remove individual holding areas, replacing with the definition of Abrolhos Islands FHPA which encompass all existing holding areas Holding tags To reduce double handling and high grading it is proposed that holding tags be removed therefore only requiring landing tags Amendments currently subject to consultation – implemented within 6 months if industry in agreement Holding areas (8 holding areas) Replace holding areas with definition of Abrolhos Islands FHPA which encompasses existing holding areas (mostly jetties) Holding tags Leg loss = significant implications on egg production Note, landing tags will be permitted if holding lobster at Abrolhos Islands FHPA

6 Proposed FRMR amendments
Floats Proposal to allow floats to be branded or stamped with MFL number allowing multiple operators (under the one MFL) to use same floats Labelling requirements (crate) Amending label requirements to only state MFL and/or MFL and Masters name Amendments currently subject to consultation– implemented within 6 months if industry in agreement Floats Current requirements constraining some operators wanting to use multiple boats with the one floats MFL allow those wishing to have flexibility to switch boats Potential MFL (flexibility to use multiple boats without swapping floats) or stay with LFB (current requirements) Phase in period to minimise costs to industry Labelling Currently requires name, principal residence of Master, the LFB number used to take the lobster and the zone in which is was taken Simplify

7 Exemptions Setose Pot usage
Exemption required should industry wish to continue with setose trial (taking, possession, consignment and sale of) for period 1 July 2016 to 31 October 2016 Pot usage Exemption required to permit increased pot usage outside the new whale mitigation period (from 1 November 2016 to 14 January 2017) Setose Further opportunity to assess marketability of setose Put usage Remaining quota (as Simon mentioned) industry may wish to implement increased pot usage, as done earlier this year. Noting the Minister has approved the new whale mitigation dates (now ending 31 October). Management Plan required to be amended if industry want as a permanent arrangement.

8 Industry levy MSC levy Big Bank
The levy will be used to fund ongoing MSC re-accreditation and other marketing and promotional activities related to MSC The levy will be set at $300 per MFL and will be included with grant and MFL renewals Scheduled to be implemented with 2017 licence period Big Bank Long-term management MSC levy Minister for Fisheries has approved the drafting of regulations under the Fishing Industry Promotion Training and Management Levy Act to enable the implementation of an annual levy First time the Levy Act will be used Big Bank Dept will continue to work with industry over the long-term management of Big Bank

9 Fees West Coast Rock Lobster 2016/17 fees
LICENCE ACCESS FEES AS A PERCENTAGE OF GVP Fishery GVP (2012/13) GVP (2013/14) GVP (2014/15) Average GVP Fee based on Average GVP 5% WAFIC 0.5% FRDC 0.25% TOTAL West Coast Rock Lobster 234,491,497 318,182,078 379,076,219 310,583,265 15,529,163 1,552,916 776,458 17,858,538 2015/16 WCRL Fee for Comparison LICENCE ACCESS FEES AS A PERCENTAGE OF GVP GVP (2011/12) 175,947,585 242,873,720 12,143,686 1,214,369 607,184 13,965,239 Method – access fees calculated using 5.75% of the GVP averaged over 3 years The increase in the TOTAL (approx 27%) from 2016 is a result of the Average GVP increasing (approx 27%) – this is related to the 2011/12 year of GVP (which was low) falling away/not included in 2017 fee calculation. Differing unit values/TACC per Zone in the past Anomalies to smooth out in the future – i.e. A and B Zone consistent TACC since 2013 Likely fees will continue to increase with the 2012/13 GVP year falling away/not being included in 2017/18 and replaced with likely higher GVP (2015/16) The total does not include the Fish Eye contribution, which remains at $0.51 per unit which amounts to approx $395,000

10 Fees Expected Total fees by Year Fees per unit – 2016 fees v 2017 fees
Zone 2015/16 No Units Fee per unit 2016/17 A $2,318,027 186,300 $12.44 $3,367,351 $18.07 B $4,749,444 230,936 $20.57 $6,011,785 $26.03 C $6,897,767 357,350 $19.30 $8,479,402 $23.73 Total $13,965,239 $17,858,538 A Zone increase due to: Lower number of units Prior to 2013 lower TACC for A Zone Lower TACC not being included in 2016/2017 GVP calculations The increase in the total from 2016 is a result of the average GVP increasing – which is related to the low year of GVP (2011/12) falling away/not included in 2017 fee calculation.

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