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Alma Consortial Analytics

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1 Alma Consortial Analytics
Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian

2 Agenda Introduction Items created per institution with bar graph Claimed returns created per institution with gauge dial Institution doing the most configuration Top 1 institution for number of configurations

3 Customer Value Consortial Analytics Feature
Provide institutions working within a collaborative network business information on various activities across the network. This will allow for improved business processes across various business areas. This will be done by enabling users to view data from multiple institutions in the network and thereby make informed decisions regarding areas such as acquisitions, resource sharing and fulfillment. Permitted users are able to utilize a new “Institution” dimension when creating and filtering reports. User from one institution in a network will be able to view and filter according to other institutions For example: Institution A would be able to see which acquisitions vendors and resource sharing partners have the highest rate of fulfilling orders in institutions B and C.

4 Consortial Analytics The consortial analytics includes a new shared dimension across the various subject areas called “Institution” It includes Institution Code Institution Name

5 Consortial Analytics The dimension “Institution” will appear in analytics with all member institutions only for staff users who have entered analytics from the network institution. Member institutions will have the dimension “Institution” but see only their own institution Will have access to all institutions in consortial analytics Will not have access to all institutions in consortial analytics

6 Agenda Introduction Items created per institution with bar graph Claimed returns created per institution with gauge dial Institution doing the most configuration Top 1 institution for number of configurations

7 Consortial Analytics – Physical Items
Here for example we are in the physical items subject area and can report (filter and display) according to Institution Code and Institution Name

8 Consortial Analytics – Physical Items
Now we are retrieving a report of the number of items created in the last three months per institution

9 Consortial Analytics – Physical Items
We receive the results per institution

10 Consortial Analytics – Physical Items
And we can add a graph

11 Consortial Analytics – Physical Items
This provides a clear and visual manner in which each institution can “benchmark” themselves against other institutions

12 Consortial Analytics – Physical Items
And export to PDF

13 Agenda Introduction Items created per institution with bar graph Claimed returns created per institution with gauge dial Institution doing the most configuration Top 1 institution for number of configurations

14 Consortial Analytics - Fulfillment
Here we are running a consortial analytics report in the fulfillment subject area, retrieving the number of “claimed returns” for loans

15 Consortial Analytics - Fulfillment
From the results we will add a gauge dial

16 Consortial Analytics - Fulfillment
We will edit to display the institution name and not code in the gauge dial with “Low values are desirable”

17 Consortial Analytics - Fulfillment
The “John H. Smith Community College” has a clear indication that they have the highest number of claimed returns This institution is at 50% while all other institutions are close to 0% As a result of this report the “John H. Smith Community College” may decide to evaluate their fulfillment policies.

18 Agenda Introduction Items created per institution with bar graph Claimed returns created per institution with gauge dial Institution doing the most configuration Top 1 institution for number of configurations

19 Consortial Analytics - Events
Here we have retrieved via the “Events” subject area the total number of times a mapping table row was updated in the last three months. Each institution can see how he compares to other institutions This time we are retrieving just the institution name and not the institution code

20 Consortial Analytics - Events
Western State immediately sees that it is doing far more customizations than all other institutions. Western State University may wish to investigate why their number of configurations is unusually high.

21 Agenda Introduction Items created per institution with bar graph Claimed returns created per institution with gauge dial Institution doing the most configuration Top 1 institution for number of configurations

22 Consortial Analytics – Top 1 per Events
We can filter by the number of events in order to automatically give us the Institution with the most customizations Here we filter by the amount “In the top 1”

23 Consortial Analytics – Top 1 per Events
And now we have a report of the “Institution with the highest number of Mapping Table Row customizations in the last three months”

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