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Mark Jones Changing Attitudes Empowering People TMI Annual Convention 2007.

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1 Mark Jones Changing Attitudes Empowering People TMI Annual Convention 2007



4 Changing Attitudes? Empowering People?

5 Are we necessarily seeking a change in attitude – or are we trying to create an environment and culture that nurtures positive attitudes?

6 Isn’t our task as leaders partly about setting out the issues that will create an environment that wholly supports and nurtures our beliefs and objectives?

7 To do this – we have to start with an honest appraisal of what we and our investors really want and stand for

8 It would be completely pointless and counter-productive to set out a series of values, principles and objectives that contradict with reality!

9 So…… do we go about understanding ourselves and the culture that we’re working in?

WE NEED TO ASK SOME SEARCHING QUESTIONS! Please note! There are no right or wrong answers at this stage

11 Things only start to go wrong when the REALITY contrasts starkly with the VISION

12 Having wrestled with this issue over many years – I have learnt that two apparently conflicting agendas can be mutually sustainable and supportive.

13 Once we have a real understanding of the duality of purpose that perhaps exists within our business -we can set it out and make it understood by all involved


15 How do we arrive at a set of VALUES and PRINCIPLES
How do we arrive at a set of VALUES and PRINCIPLES? That will nurture positive attitudes and responsible empowerment?

16 Our VALUES being ~ The beliefs we have about what is right and wrong Our Principles Being ~ Ideas which influence us when making decisions

17 Once we understand the key drivers of the business and create a set of OBJECTIVES supported by VALUES & PRINCIPLES – we can work on Attitude & Empowerment

18 By way of illustration – let me share some elements of the journey we’re on at Whittlebury Hall and Scalford Hall

19 VALUES: Naturally Hospitable & Welcoming Personal not Intrusive Service A Hard Working Team Committed to Continual Training & Development

20 VALUES: A Real Sense of Humour If One Fails – We All Fail Profitable for Long-Term Success Management Lead by Example We will All Take Responsibility for Success

21 PRINCIPLES: We will Work Together to get it Right First Time If it Goes Wrong – We’ll Put it Right Quickly and Without Fuss or Blame

22 PRINCIPLES: We will Stand By our Service Promise: ‘To offer genuine hospitality with old-fashioned standards in a stylish contemporary setting’

23 PRINCIPLES: We will Support Each Other and Solve Problems Together – Nothing is Impossible with the Right Attitude.

24 PRINCIPLES: We will Contribute to the Best of Our Ability and Give Praise to Others

25 PRINCIPLES: We expect to be Very Good at What We Do – but We’ll Always Work to Improve – in order to Secure a Prosperous Future

26 WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN? Don’t expect positive attitudes from a negative environment. Don’t expect clarity of purpose when the culture is skewed by obfuscation or unbalanced personalities.

27 WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN? Don’t expect team members to take responsibility when the atmosphere is based on blame and punishment

28 WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN? To end on a positive note – there are few better feelings than working in a culture that supports true hospitality and creates quality-based financial success!

29 Thank you for your time!


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