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Alaska Rescue Coordination Center (AKRCC)

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska Rescue Coordination Center (AKRCC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska Rescue Coordination Center (AKRCC)
Lt Col Scot Milani Director

2 AKRCC Topics Manning Chain of command
AKRCC Mission (tactical execution) 11AF/ANR fighter SAR/PR MOA support Way forward

3 AKRCC Manning 6 x Rated OFFICERS AK RESCUE background
Attached to sqdrn for flying 3 x RQS Pilot/ 11H3Y 2 x HC-130 Pilot/CSO 1 x CRO (PJ Officer) 6 x ENLISTED CP/AOC background 6 x 1C3/5 Long Term Continuity Took over mission from active duty 01 July 1994 PCR provided manning from PACAF for 12 AGRs (6-0 / 6-E) Officer attached to respective flying squadrons to maintain flying currencies

4 Command Relationships
OPERATIONAL Title 10 ADMINISTRATIVE Title 32 CDRALCOM 11AF/CC Lt Gen Handy TAG/AK Gen. Hummel 611 AOC/CC Col Bodine 176 OG/CC Col Bolin International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual - provides overall guidance/standards for implementing international conventions US National SAR Supplement - Augments IAMSAR Manual, provides specific guidance on implementation of NSP - Establishes geographic areas/regions of SAR coordination responsibility, having its own “SAR Coordinator” National SAR Plan - CDRUSNORTHCOM is designated SAR Coordinator for the “Elmendorf” Search and Rescue Region (SRR) for landmass of Alaska for aeronautical SAR events Delegated responsibility for “SAR Ops Coordinator” in Alaska: CDRUSNORTHCOM ► COMALCOM ►611 AOC/CC ►AKRCC IAMSAR Manual provides overall guidance and standards for implementing the Conventions U.S. obligated to provide SAR services as a party to: - International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue - The Convention on International Civil Aviation - Safety of Life at Sea Convention - Numerous other international treaties and agreements. NSS provides guidance on implementation of the NSP, Augments IAMSAR Manual with U.S. specific policies NSP -primary framework for the U.S. SAR system describes the U.S. SAR organization, key authorities & their responsibilities, primary principles and policies for SAR system CDRUSNORTHCOM -SAR Coordinator CDRALCOM - SAR Operations Coordinator 611 AOC/CC AKRCC - SAR Missions Coordinator AKRCC Lt Col Milani

5 AKRCC Mission 141W 60N Highlighted Green areas are NPS State Parks. They have SMC for Civil Air and Land SAR. Typically ask RCC for assistance due to limited capes. By MOU with CG D17 the USCG is SMC for land SAR south of 58N on the Aleutian Chain and East of 141W on the panhandle. AKRCC has SMC for Cook inlet North of 60N for maritime SAR. Executive agency for the ALCOM/CC to plan, coordinate, and control DoD participation in SAR operations in the Alaska Search and Rescue Region (SRR) per the National SAR Plan. Primary mission is to execute SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) responsibilities in AK SRR for: Civil aviation US military activities Secondary mission is to assist other AK agencies in prosecuting SAR in their respective SRR Coordinate DoD support to civil authorities (DSCA) SAR Receive/Track 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) and Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) signal notifications monitor reports of VHF/243.0 UHF Emergency Beacons 58N

6 Alaska SAR Relationships
FEDERAL LANDS MARITIME STATE LANDS Department of Defense USCG National Park Service Alaska State Troopers D-17 Juneau RCC AERONAUTICAL CIVIL & MILITARY NORTHCOM ALCOM/CC Tactical execution Why – 663,268 square miles with limited road system (1000 miles) Limited civil authority resources – AST have 1 SAR Helicopter Terrain/Weather SAR capabilities requires DoD response (All Wx, High Alt, NVG) Majority of missions are assisting other agencies 611 AOC/CC AK RCC

7 SAR Resources ON ALERT: AK Air National Guard – 176TH Wing
210th Rescue Squadron (HH-60G) 211th Rescue Squadron (HC-130) 212th Rescue Squadron (GAWS) USARAK, C/1-52d AS CAPABLE: AK Army National Guard 1/207AVN Active Duty assets Civil Air Patrol (Air and Ground) May also utilize any other agency SAR capability: CAP, AST, USCG, NPS, NSB AKANG/11 AF/AKRCC SAR Support MOA MOA covers peacetime SAR support for military aviation in Alaskan AOR “The 11 AF/CC will, through the 611 AOC/CC and the RCC, provide mission authorization and will maintain TACON of AKANG aircraft aircrews performing missions requested by the RCC.” AKRCC will request to task assets through the SARDO, who will assess risk factors and determine if able to accept mission tasking. If required, increased mission approval from the 176WG/CC will be received prior to mission execution 176WG responsibility: JBER - 45 min/HH60 & 1hr/HC130 alert response M-TH, Fri/UTA; 3hr response all other times Eielson – 45 min/HH60 alert response for 12hr period during JPARC fighter flying AKRCC responsibility: Primary liaison between 11 AF and ANG units for the purpose of SAR issues. 11 AF provides OPCON for AKRCC msn via 11AF/CC SAR Coordinator role Mission authorization comes through 611 AOC/CC Monitor & Inform 611 AOC/CC when RQS alert force response posture cannot meet MOA requirements MOU (AKRCC) and (USARAK ) PURPOSE: This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes procedures between the AKRCC (11 AF/CC) and the United States Army Alaska (USRAK) for DoD Support to Civil Search and Rescue (SAR) operations. C/1-52 Aviation Regiment (Ft Wainwright) will notify AKRCC if unable to maintain 20 minute alert 24/7/365 USARAK tasked units will coordinate mission execution directly with AKRCC after USARAK has approved DIRLUTH, and be considered TACON. The intent is to expedite the flow and accuracy of information. The AKRCC will provide USARAK Command Center updates as appropriate

8 AKANG ALERT 210RQS DET 1 1 x HH-60 M-F EIELSON AFB 210 RQS: 6 x HH-60
211 RQS: 4 x HC-130 212 RQS: 24 PJ / 10 CRO



11 CIVIL AIR PATROL 30 Aircraft around the state + Member owned aircraft

12 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH SAR Beech King Air 350 2 x Bell 412

13 Way Forward Enlisted manning source 176 ADS manpower support
Mission Analysis Manned, trained and equipped to support routine SAR MRO/CISAR manning reqmnts ANR PR support – AKRCC personnel training SAR Mission operation system requirement - SIRIS

14 AK RCC Questions Mission initiated on 23 July 2006
Singaporean flagged vessel listing degrees due to ballast adjustment malfunction 230 NM South of Adak. Adak is 1040 NM West of Elmendor/Anchorage 23 POB, 1 with a broken leg 23 saves awarded 210/211/144 (all acft had 212 PJ on board) logged a combined 99.7 hours over 3 day period 23 July 2006

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