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Vedat Kunt ABIGEM WIPO Forum The Hague 13-14 June,2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Vedat Kunt ABIGEM WIPO Forum The Hague 13-14 June,2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vedat Kunt ABIGEM WIPO Forum The Hague June,2006

2 EU funded project between 2002-2006 February
Became fully sustainable private company owned by local chambers and NGOs Transformed from a horizontal organisation into a project and customer oriented organisation Served more than SMEs between Trained people in 335 training programmes


4 SMEs usually lack the vision, knowledge and experience in identifiying their
Business Objectives Strategies

5 SMEs need to be guided into
Small Easy to understand and manage Short term Success bringing PROJECTS

6 SMEs need to understand
Innovative thinking Project mind Managing ideas - people - technology - time - finance at the same time and in a very short time Trading intellectual property

7 project thinking short term easy small manageable problem design
success short term easy small manageable problem design thinking

8 SMEs need to learn how to
Outsource Make a decision Acquire technology Produce and market which will lead to the overall success of their businesses.

9 We have to guide SMEs to:
Change paradigms Look beyond what can be seen or from different angles See the others can not see Always think in a result oriented way Use imaginary ideas from technology developers

10 Design Ege was created in 2005 by ABİGEM
Consultancy Training Project development Prototying Design cluster


12 success story ( lms machinery )
paper cutting and rolling machine producer was is no export strategy exporting -2 countries no export personnel still no ! no iso working on no CE marking marked

13 was is slow quick heavy light wrong material right material
wrong surface right surface poor workmanship good workmanship no confidence preferred internationally

14 success story ( çorum egg ınc. )
table egg producer, packer and distributor was                                         is no strategic planning               strategic + marketing plan     no marketing personnel           a marketing staff no brand name                         a correct brand name no corporate/ brand identity    clear and accepted corporate/ brand identity weak packages                          packages communicating to customers

15 success story ( çorum egg ınc. )
was                                         is limited sales to chain markets % sales to chains     no advertisements            correct communication through media Obsolete web page web page redesignd

16 DESIGN Everything ever made by human beings first requires Design, and in our world today of commercial business, this in fact requires Management* Design Management is the art and science of empowering design to enhance collaboration and synergy between “design” and “business”. *DMI

17 SMEs have to compete in a project based world thinking like designers
Work flows from project to project, get organised around these projects Forget inefficent and slow perfect solutions, “try, prototype, improve” like a designer Solve difficult problems with surprising solutions Do not wait for the absolute proof, have the courage to act on what “might be”* * Roger Martin, from Fast Company April 2005

18 Business people do not have to understand designers better – they need to become designers ...
David Kelly, chairman of IDEO and founder of the at Stanford university, says; “we want to produce T shaped thinkers, that means combining analytical thinking-the vertical leg of the T- with horizontal thinking: intuitive, experimental, and empathetic.”

19 design is strategy... design is transformation... project mind is the key to success thank you....

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