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SPS Planning for the EYETS Meeting 8 (07/12/2016)

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Presentation on theme: "SPS Planning for the EYETS Meeting 8 (07/12/2016)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPS Planning for the EYETS 2016-2017 Meeting 8 (07/12/2016)
David Mcfarlane EN-ACE-OSS EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

2 SPS - EYETS: Main Activities
LIU SPS - EYETS: Main Activities Consolidation HL-LHC BA2 EN-ACE: TT20 Realignment BE-RF: Damper maintenance EN-EL: Cable Campaign BA1 SMB-SE: Repair & paint floor in Access Gallery EN-STI: Replace TIDVG TE-VSC: Replace ion pumps TE-ABT: Replace MKP EN-EL: Cable Campaign BE-BI: New Diamonds BLM BA3 EN-EL: Cable Campaign EN-EL: New Emergency lighting SPS TE-MSC: Magnet Campaign. TE-VSC: Vacuum Sectorization. EN-ACE: Vertical & Horizontal Re-alignment BA4 EN-EL: Cable Campaign EN-EL: BPM Fibre Optic upgrade TE-VSC: aC Coating Campaign TE-ABT: Swap MKE, X, Y Tanks TE-ABT: Exchange 6 MSE BA5 EN-HE: Renovation of the over head crane (ECX5) EN-EL: De-cabling & Cabling Campaign SMB-SE: Concrete block works for new beam dump BE-BI: New fast BCTs in LSS5 BA6 BE-RF: Crab Cavity installation work EN-EL: Cable Campaign EYETS Overview, Marzia Bernardini, LMC 2nd Nov. 2016

3 SPS - EYETS: Main Activities
LIU SPS - EYETS: Main Activities Consolidation HL-LHC BA2 EN-ACE: TT20 Realignment BE-RF: Damper maintenance EN-EL: Cable Campaign BA1 SMB-SE: Repair & paint floor in Access Gallery EN-STI: Replace TIDVG TE-VSC: Replace ion pumps TE-ABT: Replace MKP EN-EL: Cable Campaign BE-BI: New Diamonds BLM BA3 EN-EL: Cable Campaign EN-EL: New Emergency lighting SPS TE-MSC: Magnet Campaign. TE-VSC: Vacuum Sectorization. EN-ACE: Vertical & Horizontal Re-alignment BA4 EN-EL: Cable Campaign EN-EL: BPM Fibre Optic upgrade TE-VSC: aC Coating Campaign TE-ABT: Swap MKE, X, Y Tanks TE-ABT: Exchange 6 MSE BA5 EN-HE: Renovation of the over head crane (ECX5) EN-EL: De-cabling & Cabling Campaign SMB-SE: Concrete block works for new beam dump BE-BI: New fast BCTs in LSS5 BA6 BE-RF: Crab Cavity installation work EN-EL: Cable Campaign EYETS Overview, Marzia Bernardini, LMC 2nd Nov. 2016

4 SPS - Activities on the Critical Path
BA1 Replacement of TIDVG 28/02/17 – 24/03/17 (19 working d) Any delay in the delivery of TIDGV#4 will affect the closure date of the 24th March! BA5 De-cabling & Cabling Campaign 15/12/16 – 24/03/17 (12.3 weeks) Any delay will affect the closure of 24th March BA6 Crab Cavity installation work 15/12/16 – 24/03/17 (12.4 weeks) Any delay in this works will affect the closure date of the 24th March Specific care has been taken to allow the passage of magnets and the TIDVG past this work area Pressure testing and radiographic tests of the new cryo-line to be done outside the normal working hours EYETS Overview, Marzia Bernardini, LMC 2nd Nov. 2016

5 SPS Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

6 SPS Ring Main works Magnet exchange campaign (TE-MSC) Trench repairs
9th to 20th January Trench repairs Vacuum sectorization. Changing RP dosimeters around the ring Survey Alignment around the ring. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

7 BA1 Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

8 BA1 Main works SMB-SE: Repair & paint floor in Access Gallery
15th Dec to 16th January EN-STI: Replace TIDVG 28th February until 24th March EN-EL: Cable Campaign 27th Feb to 10th March TE-VSC: Replace ion pumps 6th to 7th March BE-BI: New Diamonds BLM No dates yet EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

9 BA2 Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

10 BA2 Main works EN-ACE: TT20 Realignment BE-RF: Damper maintenance
9th January to 3rd March BE-RF: Damper maintenance 5th January to 14th March EN-EL: Cable Campaign 27th February to 17th March TE-EPC: TT20 Converter commissioning tests 6th to 24th March (TT20 will be closed) EN-EL: New Emergency lighting 19th January to 22nd February EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

11 BA3 Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

12 BA3 Main works EN-EL: Cable Campaign EN-EL: New Emergency lighting
9th January to 3rd March EN-EL: New Emergency lighting 19th January to 22nd February EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

13 BA4 Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

14 BA4 Main works EN-EL: Cable Campaign EN-EL: BPM Fibre Optic upgrade
5th January to 22nd March EN-EL: BPM Fibre Optic upgrade 22nd February to 17th March TE-VSC: aC Coating Campaign 15th December to 17th March TE-ABT: Swap MKE, X, Y Tanks 15th December to 10th January (Followed by commissioning) TE-ABT: Exchange 6 MSE 23rd January to 17th February EN-EL: New Emergency lighting 19th January to 22nd February BE-BI: Upgrade of the EO Pick-up in LSS4 23rd January to 3rd February EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

15 BA5 Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

16 BA5 Main works TE-VSC: aC Coating Campaign
15th December to 17th March EN-HE: Renovation of the over head crane (ECX5) 15th December to 27th February EN-EL: De-cabling & Cabling Campaign 15th December to 23rd March SMB-SE: Concrete block works for new beam dump 23rd January to 10th March BE-BI: New fast BCTs in LSS5 13th to 17th March? EN-CV: Removal of redundant pipework 6th to 17th March EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

17 BA6 Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

18 BA6 Main works BE-RF: Crab Cavity installation work
15th December to 24th March EN-EL: Cable Campaign 23rd January to 24th March TE-ABT: MKE Commissioning 6th to 10th March EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

19 BA7 Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

20 BA7 Main works EN-EL: Replacement of irradiated fibres in TI2
25th January to 7th February EN-CV: Puisard consolidation works 12th to 14th December (Monte-charge out of service) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

21 Please fill out your IMPACTs correctly!!!!!
As of today there are 239 IMPACTS. Please fill out your IMPACTs correctly!!!!! Correct intervention period: (EYETS-SPS-2016/2017) Do not leave proposed schedule Blank!!!! I am not psychic!!! If you clone an IMPACT: Check the dates are correct Check the location is correct Check the description is correct (not just the title) Basically, CHECK EVERYTHING!!!! EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

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